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A mess

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A mess

The whole mansion was a mess with many drunk members lying on the floor. Food spilled here and there, it was like a junkyard. Apart from that she did spot a very cute scene.

Zhou sleeping on Renjun's lap on the sofa. Both cuddling together. It reminded her of when Renjun and her were younger. Not wanting to disturb them she left to go towards the person she was searching for.

Hesitating she pursed her lips before lightly knocking on the door. She wasn't sure if the girl was even in her room or if she was even awake but her thoughts came to an end when the door opened wide open.

"Suyin?" she furrowed her brows briefly, nonetheless she let the girl enter the room. "Sorry if I woke you up"

"Oh no you didn't. We were all already awake" she smiled lightly.

"All?" the Chinese girl questioned however it was answered when she stepped further into her room. Opal was sat on her bed with her baby sleeping on her lap.

Dasom was cuddling into another girls arms who Suyin was told that her name was Leiko. "Are they both ok?" she asked pointed at the two sleeping girls. "They drank to much and were knocked out. Ignore them" Opal waved her hand telling her to pretend that they don't exist. "Anyway it's nice to eventually meet you Huang Suyin" she patted the vacant space beside her to tell the girl to take a seat.

"It's nice to meet you too Opal" the Chinese girl returned the welcoming smile that she received. Slowly Suyin looked down at the baby in her arms. It's natural to find your self attracted to such an adorable sight. Long lashes and rosy cheeks, her two growing teeth poked out her parted mouth as small cute snores left her.

Suyin's eyes softened at the sight and she internally cooed. Noticing the look in the younger girls eyes the mother lightly smiled before lifting her child gently up and placing her on the Chinese girls lap. "Don't worry she sleeps like a log" Opal mentioned.

"She's beautiful" Suyin admired her delicately holding her small hand that wrapped around her thumb. But seeing the baby it reminded her of what had happened yesterday.

Gulping down her dry throat she looked up at Opal and Taeyeon contemplated on whether to ask them or not. Nonetheless she had the great urge to know. She wasn't entirely sure if was her place to ask or not but then again it was like a puzzle loosing a piece. She wanted to fill it up so that she gets the whole clarity.

"Umm . . . I don't know if this is to personal but I want to ask you something" Taeyeon and Opal glanced at one another briefly confused by what she meant by that however they nodded to indicating her to carry on.

"Well you see, Taeyeon once mentioned that I reminded her of a person called Byeol. And this baby here is called Byeol. But I noticed how Hyuck left when you mentioned the name Byeol and when he saw Opal's child. I just wanted to ask why"

Tension mixed in with the air as Opal looked at Suyin with a hard stare. She wasn't sure why her mood had suddenly took a turn from cheerful into gloomy. But it put Suyin in a very awkward situation and she began to regret even asking. "I don't know what Taeyeon meant by how you remind her of Byeol but if the girl says so then it must be true." she sighed glancing down at her fingers.

Abruptly Taeyeon stood up rummaging through her desk until she found what she was looking for. It was a photo of her from high school with the rest of her friendship group. But there was one person who caught her attention.

A girl

She was really pretty. Long hair and soft features. She was glaring at Donghyuck while the boy had a scowl placed on his face.

"They were both bickering and fighting over who stands next to me" Taeyeon explained reminiscing over the memory. "Who is she?" Suyin asked cautiously not knowing if it was allowed to be asked.

Biting her bottom lip before sighing she gazing out the window. "She was a precious friend of mine. . . Of everyone." suddenly there was moment of silence before she said the next few words. "She passed away over a year ago"

Immediately Suyin's eyes widened and she felt like her heart stop beating noticing the tears collecting up in Taeyeon's eyes. Yet she smiled when looking down at the baby in the Chinese girls lap. "Her name was Han Byeol" she walked over to stroke the baby's cheek in Suyin's lap.

"After Han Byeol died, Jaehyun and I decided on naming our baby girl Jeong Byeol."

Suyin glimpsed down at the sleeping figure in her lap. Small whimpers left the babies lips until Taeyeon latched onto her hand which instantly made her calm down. "Donghyuck had it the hardest during her death. We all went out and it was his idea. That day she died there and he blamed himself for what had happened to her and it still effects him till this day. Whenever he looks at Opal's child it reminds him of the tragedy"

It didn't make sense. All blurred up and not connecting. Suyin just couldn't figure out why he would take the blame for something that wasn't his fault.

"Did he . . . like Byeol?" she didn't know why she asked that question. She wasn't even aware that she even asked. But she wanted to know. "Yes but by the time he noticed . . she left us"

Suyin bit her inner cheek not knowing what to say or do. She didn't know this girl Byeol. But just by the tone of how Taeyeon was speaking it made her realise how important this girl meant to her. To all of them.

"Since that day he has never been the same. He used to be such a goofy, smiley and annoying brat. But now he's nothing but moody and cold-hearted. He never shows his feelings, hiding them away from everyone." Opal intervened.

Taeyeon nodded partly before letting out a small scoff. "I wouldn't say that anymore Opal." the older girl drifted her sight towards her in confusion. "Our old Donghyuck seems to be coming back recently" she smiled while looking at Suyin who gazed in confusion.

Opal turned to face the Chinese girl who looked beyond perplexed. "If you mean by the fact that he is an annoying brat then I would agree. However he has always been one since day one" Suyin stated to which Opal laughed.

"I now get what you mean Taeyeon. She does remind me of our Byeol" 

 She does remind me of our Byeol" 

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