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"Sunwoo!!" he couldn't hear a word. In his own world enjoying ever moment of torturing the poor boy. Zhou's screams become louder and louder by every passing second. Like a sadist he increased the voltage electrocuting the younger boy due to mere boredom.

Zhou was already half beaten up. Blood trickled down his forehead and limbs. Cuts carved in his fragile smooth skin. His life being drained out. There was no sympathy in Sunwoo's eyes. Just glee. Like a psychopath. He enjoying every moment of tormenting the kid.

He had never behaved in such a manner. It was the first and that frightened his own members who watched him from afar. Too scared to even approach him.

But after getting scolded for ruining the first plan he grew a hatred and resentment towards Suyin. Unable to do anything to her he has been using her cousin to put out all his anger knowing that this would most likely trigger the girl far worse than her being brutally beaten up by him.

Gripping Zhou's hair he lifting his head up. "You whole family annoys me. First Renjun, then Suyin and now you. I want to hear you scream louder!" he growled


"For fucks sake what is it!!!" he lashed out snapping his head back to his older member however to his dismay it was his leader - Sangyeon. He was not impressed by what Sunwoo had done. He specifically told the boy to keep Zhou alive but eyeing the limp figure it seemed like Sunwoo had gone against his word. Instead he had gone into a rampage.

Sunwoo had taken a step too far. At this rate he will end up killing the poor boy. "You're killing him!" he shouted grabbing hold of the younger boys collar. "I was getting bored" he rolled his eyes not really caring.

"Well let me entertain you with some news" Sangyeon spat back. "Impress me" Sunwoo gave a challenging look. A phone was passed into his hands to which the boy eyed in confusion.

Facing down he looked at a video. Furrowing his brows he pressed the play button to be greeted by something he did not expect.

"Hi there Sunwoo!" the sparkling white grinning girl waved her hand. Hearing the voice Zhou's ears perked up and he let out a wince trying to hold his head up. "Remember me? Of course you do. I was the one who slapped you in your face. Let me tell you something asshole. I never regretted it and I never will.

I heard that you kidnapped my cousin. You better be treating him well because I have a surprise for you." she carried on speaking, her smile did not falter the slightest.

She walked a little and bent on her knees to show another face he was not expecting to see. Immediately Sunwoo's eyes widened by a fraction and he coughed out unable to speak a word. His voice stuck at the back of his throat.

"Sang -mi say hi to your brother" Suyin spoke to the girl in a sweet voice which differed from the sly manipulative tone she had on before.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now