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"You're telling me that he is your friend!" she whisper - yelled at Renjun

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"You're telling me that he is your friend!" she whisper - yelled at Renjun. They were sat beside the unconscious boy in the Universities infirmary located in the medical building. They both struggled extremely, carrying him through the campus with many eyes on them.

Renjun rubbed his ear, calming down the deafening sound that she sent through his eardrum. Curtly he nodded to the dumbfounded girl.

Lip's slightly falling apart she closed her eyes painfully slowly letting her pupils roll back in annoyance. "Unbelievably" she tightened her jaw and stood up walking back and forth. "Well this friend of yours is the one who tried to kill me. Twice!" she snapped back pointing at the unconscious figure.

"Shh keep it down, he's sleeping" Renjun placed his finger to his lips. Suyin's mouth fell agape and she placed both hands on her hips. "You're supporting him?" She asked, astonished.

"No! Of course not. I'm mad at him but at the same time I'm grateful" he whispered the last part. Seating back down, she eyeing him with disappointment. "Grateful?"

Is he even my cousin? My family?

Gawking at him up and down she tutted her head in disgust.

"Because he is a friend he won't hurt you anymore so you have nothing to worry about. If it was someone I didn't know then who would've known what would happen" finally understanding where he was coming she sighed. "But still after he wakes up I'm gonna kill him" Renjun balled his fists glaring at the sleeping figure.

"He didn't hurt me. It's fine. To be honest he is the one who got it bad" she smirked lightly, pleased with her work but at the same time there was a hint of slight guilt within her however she proceeded to push it away.

"Yeah about that . . . you never told me you could fight!" Scoffing, she poked Renjun's shoulder pointing at him. "Yes I did but you never believed me!"


"Summer camp" she simply answered not wanting to go into details. It wasn't that important, she joined a Summer Camp in China. They taught self-defence and the girl practiced what they taught her and went beyond it. Not getting a response she glanced at the boy who was giving her an unamused expression.

"What?" he shook his head leaning back on the chair. Suyin pulled out her phone scrolling through it when she heard her cousin suddenly gasp.

"What? What is it?" she asked, concerned. Renjun's eyes were wide as saucers then they narrowed squinting at the girl. Utterly confused she waved her hand in front of him. "What?" she deadpanned.

"You told me that he was good looking," he taut. Immediately she sealed her lips, avoiding eye contact.

"Here I was worried that something happened." She glanced to see him giving her a stern expression. "It's not that serious damn!" she clicked her tongue. Renjun grasped her shoulder squeezing it hard making her hiss at the pain. When she turned around to face him she could tell he was burning with anger.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now