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Stiffly she dragged her feet along the floor creating friction by the pressure exerted on each step she took

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Stiffly she dragged her feet along the floor creating friction by the pressure exerted on each step she took. Lazy and overly depressed, she did not want to go to uni at all. Renjun effortlessly picked her up and chucked her in the car not hearing any of her pleads. He wasn't having it at all.

He constantly kept on saying that the only reason she didn't want to go is to avoid Donghyuck during lessons. He was correct but obviously she denied every time he mentioned it.

Now Renjun was trailing behind her to make sure she didn't run away and went straight to class with no detours. Sulking she spun around to face Renjun who had his arms folded and foot tapping impatiently behind her.

Suyin huffed out some air making her smaller strands float upwards by the air pressure. A few incoherent words drifted past her lips as she pulled the door open. She glanced back and waved back to Renjun with a forced on smile which could be easily detected by anyone.

The Chinese boy chuckled and rolled his eyes walking away. Pouting she stepped in to see Donghyuck already in class sitting alone at the back like always.

Initially she would just sit next to the boy but she really didn't want to talk to him. She was still mad. But then again they got their presentation to work on. Shaking her head she faced away.

No Suyin ignore him

Her eyes trailed around and set on Miri and Nam-il who were in a corner with their partners. A smile fell across her lips. She hasn't hung out with them for a while and she began to miss them a little. "Hey guys. Mind if I sit here?"

Upon seeing the girl Miri's face lit up in an instant. A wide smile plastered across her features. "Yes of course. We haven't spoken since ages. Wait, what about Haechan?" she glanced back. Rolling her eyes, Suyin clicked her tongue. "Honestly, don't talk about him"

Just then an arm fell across her shoulder taking her by surprise. "Did you both argue?" The sudden voice spoke beside her reflexively making the girl tilt her head up to spot Sunwoo smiling at her. "I don't want to talk about it" she looked down to her feet kicking the desk lightly.

"Come sit with me," Sunwoo suddenly suggested. "What?" she wasn't expecting him to ask her that. Just as she was about to decline it he spoke before. "You said you will sit next to me before. You can't go against your word" he pouted.

Suyin glanced at Miri and Nam-il who were smirking back at her. Knowing exactly what they were thinking she gave an unamused expression wanting to smack some sense into their brains. "I just said that I will sit with them though" she mumbled. "Nope it's ok. Suyin, go with him." Nam-il shooed her off making her glare lightly at him.

"But -"

"No it's ok. If you really do feel bad then sit with us at lunch today. Hmm?" Suyin flickered her eyes at Sunwoo and bit her lip contemplating but then let out a sigh nodding. "Ok sure"

"Damn you got a difficult topic" Suyin butted in reading his title. The boy chuckled and nodded, making a sad expression. "Professor said we aren't allowed to change it so I'm stuck with it," he complained.

Briefly she read the bullet points on the information that they had to include. Intriguing by the notes she leaned over furrowing her brows trying to decipher the meaning. Sunwoo stared at her as she concentrate on his work. "You want me to explain it?" he offered.

The girl perked her head up. "Well you're going to have to present it. I don't know if you should tell me about your research now itself" immediately he shook his head brushing her thoughts off. "Should be fine as long as I keep it simple" Suyin hummed and then nodded. "Yeah I would like to know."

Immediately the boy grabbed his folder and took some papers out. He scooched closer to the girl, his shoulder pressed against hers. He began going through some areas which he found interesting and Suyin listened carefully.

She was so immersed into their conversation that she didn't notice the boy shortening their proximity further. He placed his arm behind her chair. Their faces were only a few inches away from one another.

Suyin's eyes were only trained on the notes that she didn't even notice Sunwoo staring at her side profile with a mischievous look in his eyes. Slowly he turned around to look back at a specific person.


The tanned boy saw every single moment of their interaction.

Normally he wouldn't be bothered. However he was. Why? He didn't know and it jumbled up his thoughts especially because it was her. Suyin! Why did he care so much about the fact that she was sat next to him.

An unexplainable feeling arose in his veins, automatically he clenched his fists and bored his glare to Sunwoo. Satisfied by the reaction he got out of the boy, Sunwoo let out a smirk before turning away.

However when he looked at Suyin, he realised how she wasn't reading the notes. Instead she was on his phone. "What are you doing?" he asked curiously. Her heart leaped by the question and she snapped her head to the side to find his face a bit to close.

Gasping she backed away and cleared her throat. "I was checking the time on your phone and then saw your lock screen." She pointed at a younger girl, probably in elementary school. "Who is she?" she asked curiously.

Sunwoo grabbed his phone and unlocked it to find another photo of him and that young girl together. "Kim Sang-mi. My younger sister" he spoke softly, gazing at the picture.

She could see it in his eyes. The love. She would never be able to mistake that look.

A warmth fluttered in her heart watching him as something other than a classmate. A reliable and caring older brother.

Suyin smiled lightly and ruffled the boy's hair, making him halt and turn to her. His eyes widened by her gentle touch. "You really care for her don't you?" she spoke in a sweet voice.

The boy gazed between Suyin's eyes. He felt his heart beat rapidly just by her simple touch which confused him as to how this girl was able to create such an effect on him so effortlessly.

A delicate smile fell on his lips and he nodded thinking about his sister. "I care for her. A lot"

From a distance Donghyuck was shooting arrows to the back of his head raging in anger by their intimate gazes to one another.

He himself didn't know why it aggravated him to see them so cosy with one another.

At first he thought maybe it's because it's Kim Sunwoo she is with. Why him of all people?

But then he began to question if it was because of a certain feeling that began to develop within him. Every time he thought about it he brushed it away thinking that it's bullshit but now he honestly doesn't know.

He doesn't want to make the same mistake of realising his true feelings late.

Because last time it cost him a terrible heartache. 


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