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2 days passed and Suyin was staring at the kitchen counter

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2 days passed and Suyin was staring at the kitchen counter. Zhou sighed and walked behind her, massaging her shoulders. "Are you worried that he will come after you?"

She slapped the table in front of her and groaned out taking him by surprise. "No. I'm more upset about Renjun ignoring me."

Zhou rolled his eyes and sat down. "Are you being serious? You're still thinking about Renjun ge. I think you should be worried about your situation right now. You witnessed a guy murdering someone. And he tried to kill you"

Zhou was struggling to remain calm but his concern was rising along with his anger. He was furious that she didn't tell him right away.

"I'm still alive" she tried to defend herself while rubbing her temples. "Yeah by running away, you're still in danger." he snapped back at her.

"I can fight" she looked up at him from her seated position. The boy opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm gonna just pretend I didn't hear that"

A ring of their door bell was heard stopping their conversation for a minute. Suyin walked to see Minho at their door step so she opened the door smiling and welcomed the boy in.

After Zhou met him, the next day itself they both hung out and became quite close.

"Why does he look so grumpy?" Minho asked, glancing at Zhou. Suyin glared at Zhou who just scoffed. "Ignore him. Have you had breakfast?" she asked him to which Minho nodded.

"Well take him to school safely ok. Zhou, have fun on your first day" ignoring her, he nudged past and stormed off.

"Noona did you both argue?" Minho raised his eyebrow out of curiousity. She sighed and nodded lightly. "Cheer him up won't you"

"Only if you let me eat a traditional Chinese dinner," Suyin chuckled ruffling his hair. "Come whenever you want"

As soon as the boys left her expression fell. Suyin grabbed her phone to see that Renjun still hasn't checked a single one of her messages.

Pursing her lips she made up her mind. She's going to meet the boy instead.

Her feet stayed still on the ground as she glanced up at the gates to the mansion.

A small smile fell across her lips reminiscing over the last time she visited the NCT HQ.

"Renjun, where were you? Detention ain't that long- OMG! WHAT HAPPENED!"

The boy was covered in dirt and crimson stains over his body. His left eye was painted black and lip half cut.

"Renjun . . ." Suyin quietly spoke out, taking small steps towards him. Her hand reached out but the boy just pushed it away gently. "It's nothing, don't worry," he spoke in a soft voice. But his tense movements as he walked away into his room and the small crack in his voice did not go unseen or unheard by the girl.

Suyin immediately followed and barged into his room. Renjun was struggling to treat his wounds. His shirt was off and the girl walked in to be faced with his bare back.

In a normal situation she would walk right out but her mind only solely focused on the small scratches engraved across his back. Shutting the door she stormed towards him. "Who did this to you? I am gonna kill them and break their limbs into smithereens"

Her blood was boiling seeing that he was beaten up so terribly. Her fists clenched tightly until they turned pale. Deeply she wanted to tear the person up but she knows that she could never be able to. Renjun stared at her blankly but then he choked up with laughter.

"Suyin omg you're so funny!" he wiped a tear away. "Renjun, I'm being serious. Look at you! I stayed quiet all this time whenever you came home with small injuries but this can't be ignored. They went too far. Who is it that's bullying you!"

A smile fell across the boy's lips as he ruffled her long black hair. "No one is bullying me" he softly spoke out. "There's blood all over you!"

"It's not my blood" he monotoned. Her eyes widened, her body froze. "T-then whose is it?" she stammered, not anticipating that sort of answer. Her eyes moved back and forth between his pupils.

"I will tell you one day" she took a deep breath and raised her hand, slowly touching his blacked up eye. Renjun stayed still but then a loud yelp left his lips when she put extensive pressure on his bruise. "What was that for!"

"For getting hurt" she snapped back. "Turn around I will treat the stupid wounds. I am so mad. I can't even explain how badly I want to beat some sense into you. You get into fights. OK fine! It's not like you will listen even if I tell you to stop. You could at least come back with no injuries and maybe win the fight"

"Who said I didn't win!"

"I did," she responded. Renjun scoffed and twisted around. "Well you're wrong. Renjun never loses" he gave her a smug smile.

Clicking her tongue she hit the back of his head receiving another whine. "Turn around!"

 "Turn around!"

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