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"What do you mean they're in Korea?!" he screamed out finding it utterly ridiculous

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"What do you mean they're in Korea?!" he screamed out finding it utterly ridiculous. "Renjun" She sighed fiddling with her thumbs. "They're staying for 3 days and they want to meet you both"

"Fuck them! I'm not meeting them!" he spat out turning their invite down not even taking a second to think. "Renjun they're your parents" Suyin pleaded. "Like they ever acted like one" Suyin stood up storming over to the boy and gripping onto his collar. Her nerves were shaking with frustration. She knew how much he despises them but sometimes she feels like he takes it too far and eventually she snapped having enough.

"Renjun! You need to stop hated them. Give them a chance. Dinner. All their asking is for you and Zhou to have dinner with them. Is that too much to ask. Some people would die to be in your position. Like me."

"What?!" he breathed out finding her words ridiculous. "Jun I've never had the luxury of even call someone mum or dad. You and Zhou on the other hand do yet both of you don't realise how lucky you are. Just merely throwing them away like some dust in your way. I know how much you hate them but please don't push them away anymore" the older Chinese boys lips fell agape taking in everything she just said. He wasn't sure how to react.

Lucky? He never thought that he was lucky. For the first time he felt rue paint in his heart never seeing it in Suyin's perspective. It now made sense why she always told him to treat them well.

Sighing he glanced over to Zhou noticing the same emotion that he was feeling in the boys eyes.


Awkward silence.

They didn't know what to say nor what to do. Spinning his fork in his hand Renjun kept his head down not wanting to connect eyes with his mother who sat right in front of him. "Are you both not going to eat?" she asked eyeing both the boys. But then a gasp fell of her lips. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot. Renjun you don't speak Chinese do you"

Scoffing he looked up to the lady he hasn't seen since the age of 5. She looked older. Some wrinkles adorned on her face yet she still looked stunning as back then. Healthy and beautiful. "I speak very good Chinese" he spoke back calmly. He didn't want to sound rude and tried his back to show respect requested by Suyin. He didn't want to go behind her words. Shocked by his perfect and clear pronunciation her lips parted before she let out a soft laugh. "Yeah you are good. I'm sorry Renjun" she smiled. Briefly, just briefly he felt a warmth in his heart by the motherly smile she gave him. Clearing his throat he looked away.

"What about you Zhou? How have you been?" she leaned forward to the younger boy who snapped his head to her. "Better then back there" he muttered with no emotion on his face. "I see" she pursed her lips seating back. It was a give in. Though the boy never mentioned it. She always knew how much Zhou hated being in China. She glanced over to her husband who also glanced over to her.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now