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"Suyin? Wow, it's been long

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"Suyin? Wow, it's been long. How are you?" Doyoung saw the girl from afar and approached her. Suyin walked over waving at him. "I'm good" The older boy smiled, giving her a side hug.

"I barely recognised you" she just scoffed, moving away. "No you're exaggerating. I haven't changed that much"

Doyoung chuckled and wiped the rain water off her thin shirt. "You came for Renjun?"

"Yeah, where is he?"

"In his room" instantly the girl nodded, thanking him before leaving to go to the second floor. On the way she spotted a teen boy playing on his phone. She wanted to ask him the way to Renjuns room but seeing how immersed he was in his phone she looked away searching. However spotting the new face that he did not recognise he grabbed onto her arm harshly.

"Who are you?" he demanded sterny

Remembering from her last experience being here she did not want to make the same mistake and got right to the point. "My name is Huang Suyin and I'm Renjun's cousin. I'm not from another gang or a thief"

Instantly a smile fell across his face. "OMG you're Suyin!"

The girl's face changed into pure confusion but what shocked her the most was how loud a person could be . "You're Chinese?" she raised her brow just noticing that he was not speaking in Korean. The boy nodded and placed his hand out. "I'm Zhong Chenle," he introduced himself.

Gladly accepted his handshake she returned the smile and he ditched his phone to begin speaking to her as they walked towards Renjun.

Without notice they opened the boy's door and barged in. Poor Renjun was in the middle of changing and screamed at the top of his lungs. Luckily he only had his top off.

Chenle stood still with his mouth open and immediately covered Suyin's eyes. The chinese girl tutted her head not traumatised by the scene as she saw Renjun half naked many times.

When younger he constantly walked around the house with nothing but his undergarnments. So it really didn't bother her. "I'm gonna leave before he kills me but you both have fun" he waved to Suyin. "Noona it was nice meeting you"

"Bye Chenle" she gave a friendly smile before snapping her head back around.

After grabbing a shirt he shut the door and sat her down glaring. "What are you doing here?" he demanded. "Renjun lock your door. You're lucky it was me and not any other girl." Ignoring her comment he repeated his words.

"You know something Jun. I'm actually fucking pissed at you. You ignore my texts and calls. What's wrong with you? I get it that you were annoyed that I brought Zhou here but you don't have to ignore me for this long. You're such a child you know. Grow up for fuck sake and stop sulking like a kid!"

At the beginning she tried to remain calm and speak in a good manner however as she carried on she kind of lost it and lashed out at the end leaving the boy to stare at her blankly and grabbed his phone, scrolling through the message.

Most saying how she was sorry and for him to forgive her. Some saying how she will tell him everything before doing anything again. But the most recent messages caught his attention. His emotionless face morphed into a demonic one.


"I'm sorry Suyin, I shouldn't have ignored you" the girl just scoffed, avoiding his eye contact. Renjun sighed and hugged the girl. "I really am"

"Ok ok fine stop squeezing me I can't breathe" Renjun let go but then his face went serious. "What actually happened?"

"I just saw this guy killing someone. He tried to kill me" her shoulders shuddered slightly. Renjun frowned, shaking his head. "What did he look like?"

"I don't know. I couldn't see his face. But he was quite tall."

"That doesn't help because everyone is taller than you." the boy hissed and grunted by the hard slap he received from the girl. He glared at her then gave her a sympathetic look.

"Whatever! Anyway I came to tell you because I felt like I needed to. I'm going now. I got work"

"Work?" the boy furrowed his brows. "Yeah I applied a few days ago at the convenience store" nodding he stood up with her making the girl look at him confused.

"I will drop you and I will pick you up as well. When does it end?"

"6pm to 10pm" Renjun nodded. "You still have an hour. Let's go to that stall we used to always eat at?" Suyin gazed at him clueless. Rolling his eyes he clicked his tongue. "You know the one where they sell your fav churros"

"Yes, let's go." she clapped her hands excitedly. Renjun smiled relieved that he was able to bring up her mood up. "It's raining and you wore a thin top. Here, wear this" He chucked his hoodie towards her.

Suyin briefly muttered a small thanks before drowning herself in the clothing while walking out the room. With her hood covering her eyes only the tip of her nose and lips were revealed. She couldn't see upfront and bumped into a figure.

"Oh sorry" she bowed and was about to walk but he grabbed onto her arm. "Who the fuck are you?" His deep rough voice spoke out harshly with hostility wrapped in every word. Gulping back she was about to say the same thing that she told Chenle. Repeating every word.

Her sweater paws moved up to remove the hood but before she could a hand placed on the top of her head gently. "She isn't an enemy Donghyuck, don't worry. It's just my cousin" Renjun said, coming out of his room all of a sudden.

Suyin stayed still unable to move, all she could see were the feet of this person. He spoke nothing and she watched as his feet disappeared from her view.

Slowly Suyin pushed Renjun's hand away and pulled the hood down, her eyes fell on the back of the figure named Donghyuck.

She squinted her pupils finding something familiar about him. His body language, the way he moves and walks and . . .

. . . His leather jacket! Where have I seen it?

Before she could put a finger on the item Renjun nudged her. "Come let's go"

"Huh- oh yeah" she turned around walking behind her cousin. "Oh by the way, tomorrow is our first day at Uni. Pick me up won't you" Renjun just nodded, grabbing his phone out.

Suyin's sight drifted back around to find the mystery boy not there anymore. "He had a nice voice." she muttered

"What?" Renjun asked, unable to hear her. Suyin glanced up and gave an innocent smile.



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