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Hours went by and they have yet to return

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Hours went by and they have yet to return. She spent most of her time with Renjun however not receiving any news about their return she began to panic and left for a quiet place to spend some time alone.

Confusion set on her mind not really knowing why her feet led her to this room. She ended up in Donghyucks bedroom perching at his desk while spinning round and round on his revolving chair out of boredom.

Sighing she stopped and faced the black wooden surface of his desk. Yawning lightly she blinked a few times spotting a strange item. It completely caught her attention. Furrowing her brows her hands leaned forward to pick it up out of curiosity. The photo frame that was placed upside down hiding the image.

When her eyes landed on it she immediately realised why it was placed upside down.

It really did effect him huh?

She sighed but then felt a sudden pang in her head.

"It's not your fault Hyuck" she whispered placing her hand on his cheek caressing it with her thumb.

What was that!

Suyin's eyes dilated and felt a headache on it's way. A strange vision setting on her senses. A memory she never remembered occurring.

Shaking her head side to side she hit either side trying to come back to her senses.

I'm hallucinating

Not wanting to think about the strange visons she set her head onto his comfy pillow trying to get some sleep however her wishes were not granted as the door opened wide making her involuntarily sit up.

Donghyuck eyed her in shock not expecting the girl to be in his room but in all honesty he did not mind. "Ummm . . . I-uh . . I-"

"It's fine Angel your welcome here whenever" he said leaning against the door frame with his arms folded with a smirk across his face. Flustered slightly she stood up dusting her self clean and clearing her throat but a thought ran into her mind making her gasp.

The tanned boy backed slightly at the fast speed of her approaching him. "Zhou! What happened?"

As soon as she said those words his features relaxed. "Yuta is treating him I don't think you should go. He isn't allowing anyone in his office yet"

"He isn't hurt badly right?" she bit her lip and tapped her foot on the floor out of nervousness. Donghyuck gulped wanting to choose the correct words and not worry her any further but it was difficult. "It will take awhile for him to recover but his life isn't in danger or anything"

A reliving sigh fell past her lips and she rested her back to the door. "I'm glad" she muttered to herself. Patting her head he drew her attention back to him. "I told you I have faith in your plan"

Chuckling she nodded. "Yeah you did" she smiled mumbling a small thank you to which he smiled. "You're not hurt are you?" she suddenly questioned examining his face. Placing both of his hands in his pocket he shook his head. "We didn't even get into a fight." but Suyin was not convinced as there were red stains on his shirt.

"Trust me. Look" he showed her how his magazine was still filled with all bullets. "Then why do you have blood on you" the girl took a step closer placing her hand on his chest where it was painted red.

The warmth that emitted on his chest from her sent a tingling sensation to him and he grabbed hold of her hand that was placed on his body squeezing it tight.

"I didn't want to worry you but . . ." he glanced between both her eyes before sighing. "It's Zhou's blood" instantly her body tensed up and her features froze.

Noticing her petrified expression he immediately pulled her into a hug. "I promise you. He is fine. It was just some minor injuries" he felt terrible lying to her but he felt like he had no choice.

Suyin mustn't know how bad they treated him. He knew that it would break her if she finds out that Zhou was beaten up nearly to his dying breath. 


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