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The sun already set ages ago and it was resurfaced with the darkness.

She ran in complete darkness, not looking back. Her lungs stiffened and heart thumped. The metallic taste of blood reached her throat as she sprinted non stop. The cold breeze hit her skin hard like icy thorns.

Her breath became unstable and her legs began to feel weak. She was losing energy but the only thing that kept her going was her pumping adrenaline.

Her eyes were blurred with tears and small sniffs left her nose as she attempted to hold them back. Not being able to see by the lack of vision she ran right into a figure and lost balance falling on the hard ground.

A pair of strong hands gripped her arm but the girl didn't even look up. She flinched in fear, shaking agitatedly. "Please don't kill me!"

"Suyin! Suyin it's me!" he wrapped their arms around her, emitting warmth. "Suyin, it's ok. Your safe"

Rubbing her eyes she tilted her head to see her cousin holding her closely in his secure arms. Unable to hold them much longer, she burst into tears clasping her arms around his neck, her palms gripped his shirt tight as her unrestricted sobs tainted her rosy cheeks.

It hurt him watching her cry in pain. Gently he rubbed circles on the girl's back attempting to calm her down.

The sound of the door being kicked wide open immediately made the boy jump. Zhou was sitting in the living room. His knees bounced vigorously but as soon as he heard the footsteps he stood up to find his older brother carrying Suyin on his back.

She was peacefully sleeping. He watched as Renjun took her to her room, tucking the girl in and shutting the door before heading out.

"What happened to her?" shutting his eyes excruciatingly slow he flickering his sight to the boy. Zhou was painted with a worried expression, sweat trickling down his temples. Rolling his eyes Renjun huffed out some air. "It's nothing" he spoke faintly aloof.

"Did she get attacked?" The sudden question shocked the older Chinese boy. He didn't know that Suyin told Zhou as well.

Slowly he looked at the younger boy disinterested. "Keep her safe" he turned around to head out but Zhou ran to his older brother grabbing onto his sleeve.

"It's late. Can't you stay here?"

It was early morning and Suyin was already awake. She sat on her bed staring into space. She didn't want to leave her apartment but to her dismay it was her first day of University.

Against her will she dragged her feet to her bathroom to get ready.

A few minutes went by and while she was changing she heard her doorbell ringing but the girl couldn't leave.


"I'm on it" he shouted back knowing exactly what she was about to say. Small voices were heard behind her bedroom door. Quickly she grabbed her items and stepped into the living room to be greeted with Renjun and Zhou talking to one another. The unusual sight made her eyes widened.

"Yeah she's still in her room -" Zhou was in the middle of speaking to Renjun but he walked off after spotting the girl.

"Suyin you alright now?" Renjun asked as she walked towards him. Slowly she nodded but the boy could tell she was still stressed. Sighing he pushed her to the table so she could eat breakfast.

"You should've stayed the night?" she stated quietly, her voice sounded frail with no energy. Renjun shook his head in disagreement before momentarily glancing at Zhou who was already staring at him. He turned away, not wanting to keep their contact strong.

"Jiě jie I'm leaving for school now. Minho is waiting downstairs" lazily she waved at the younger boy who hugged the girl. The action instinctively made Renjun narrowed his eyes at him but he didn't say a word. 

Hesitantly he cleared his throat  "Bye Renjun ge" however he got no response so he just left. It felt strange. All too new being called big brother . A part of him liked it but then after reminding himself who it was that was calling him that it made Renjun spit out distastefully.

As soon as the door shut Suyin sighed and eyed her food. She was still a little traumatised about what happened the night before and didn't have much of an appetite to eat.

"Stop playing with your food Suyin. Eat, we have to leave" making a thin line with her lips she dropped the spoon. "Tell me are you hurt? What's wrong?" Renjun tilting his head towards her. Sighing she shook her head lightly.

"What if he is after me again?" holding the girl's hand he gave a reassuring smile. "Well nothing will happen because I will be with you from now on. Even if he attacks, I will be there. You don't need to be scared."

"I'm not scared" She spoke confidently but her thumped heart said otherwise. Renjun raised his eyebrows, not convinced. "I just don't want to go through that shit again. I can defend myself so it's fine" she tried to stay positive.

"I doubt it," Renjun scoffed.

"Hey I am good at fighting" laughing at her comment he gave her a judging look. "This is not the time for jokes."

"Fight me then" she balled up her fist raising it up to his face. A cocky smile laced on her lips.

"Oh won't you look at that. Our Suyin seems to be coming back," Renjun chuckled. "Don't do anything stupid if you run into him."

The girl just nodded indicating that she won't. There was a moment of silence until she broke it with a thought that just ran through her mind. "You know I ain't gonna lie . . . he was kinda good looking" instantly Renjun choked on his water giving her a are you kidding me look.

"What? He was! Only if he wasn't after me for the wrong reason" 

"What? He was! Only if he wasn't after me for the wrong reason" 

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