⬖ C . 40

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"Suyin can I speak to you?"

No I don't want to talk to you

"Sure" his eyes beamed, glad that she would hear him out. She followed him into the empty lecture room anxious as to what he had to say. Biting her inner cheek she held no emotion and looked right into his eyes darkly. Sunwoo pursed his lips scratching his nape, struggling to come up with words to describe how awful he felt towards her after what he had done.

"I don't have all day Sunwoo" Suyin monotoned darting a fierce glare at him. Sighing the boy eventually apologised. "I'm sorry" she knew that was what he would say. His nervous expression and fiddling fingers said it all. However she was slightly displeased by it.

It didn't sound sincere. "I like you. I thought you like me as well so I thought it would be ok"

Is he being serious? Even if I did like him which I don't, it's wrong to carry on such indecent acts when someone tells them to stop.

Rolling her eyes back painfully she took a few inhales and snapped back at him. "Well I hate to break it to you but I don't like you Sunwoo, like the way you like me" she tried to speak calmly and not hurt his feelings. However as soon as she said that there was something she couldn't help but notice.

His features falling apart into some evil and vicious form. Running his hand through his hair he took steps towards the girl pulling her into his chest. Suyin gasped in his hold, he held her tight not letting go even though she squirmed attempting to push him off.

"I'm sorry Suyin. Please forgive me."

"I told you I don't like you" she was getting on his last nerve. Pushing her back he held her shoulders with exerted force. The girl winced at the pain and felt the burning sensation imprinting on her skin. "Then I'll make you" his voice fell deep and intimidating. Out of nowhere he leaned in closer not listening to her pleads.

However he was unable to commit the deed as a sharp slap landed on his cheek. His face turned to the side and he fell onto the desk at the harsh impact. When he glanced up he was greeted to a sight he had never seen before. The girl was raging in wrath, her chest was moving up and down as she attempted her best to refrain her anger. A strong dark aura resonating from her petite figure yet it still feared him.

"Don't. Ever. Touch. Me" she bellowed out with pure aggravation in her words.

Twisting on her heels she stormed out thrashing the door to the side. But as she was about to step out the lecture room a figure lurking outside catching her attention. Donghyuck was staring down at her. Briefly he glanced up to see Sunwoo standing alone in the room and it boiled his blood.

Was she in there with him? Alone?

By the time he could even think thoroughly, Suyin nudged past walking towards another direction completely disregarding Donghyuck.

Furrowing his brows he watched as she stormed off. Biting his teeth down he glanced back and forth not knowing if he should chase after her or go beat the crap out of Sunwoo.

Poking his tongue in his inner cheek he shut his eyes tight he stepped forward walking towards the figure.

"Angel what happened?" Donghyuck tilted his head studying her features but she showed nothing. The usual glow in her eyes died down. He wasn't able to figure out what she was thinking about. The girl sat down outside on the large steps where students sometimes eat their lunches. She was staring into space, leaning on her elbows in her own world.


That was the first time she heard the boy call her by her real name. It was sweet and honey like, rolling of his tongue perfectly. Never has she ever noticed how beautiful her name was until he used it. Slowly she turned around to face his concerned expression.

Gently he took her hand in his drawing circles on the back while still gazing into her eyes patiently to hear her out. A flurry of butterflies invaded her system and she felt her heart pounding hard feeling weak under his gaze. But it quickly died down remembering what she had just experienced.

"He tried to kiss me" no thoughts. Nothing. His mind was empty. The only thought that he could process was how to kill Sunwoo. He held back all this time but his ignited flame as eventually formed into a inferno.

Donghyuck shut his eyes tight clenching his jaw. His hand jerked to land a hit on that pretty boys face. Ballistic he stood up on his two feet about to go on a rampage however her soft hand tightened in his grip stopping him from doing so. Donghyuck glanced down to see her shaking her head and giving a reassuring smile. Instantly he halted. It frustrated him how she once again stopped him but he didn't want to upset her. Sitting back down, the boy faced her. "Did he um-and you . . . ?"

He couldn't finish his words hating just thinking about it. Turning away he avoided her gaze cursing Sunwo under his breathe.

"He tried to" she repeated her words making sure he understood. It caught the boy off guard and his attention was once again placed on her. "I slapped him before he could." a flow of relief filled his heart hearing that she stood up for herself this time "Just like you told me to"

She finished off. He let out a deep chuckle before patting the top of her head proudly. "Good girl" he said is husky whisper. Scoffing, she folded her arms making the boy smile.

"How is it going?"

Sunwo gritted his teeth thrashing his fist into the punch bag out continuously.

He messed up. Big time.

"She isn't falling for it" he growled running his hand over his face disappointed in himself for letting his gang down.

"It's ok. We just have to go with plan B"

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now