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The night breeze was still chilly making her instinctively rub her hands together

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The night breeze was still chilly making her instinctively rub her hands together.

"Was it always this far?" Suyin strides faster down the street after spotting the bright writing of the pharmacy. As soon as she stepped in the familiar ringing on the bell resounded the silence.

Quickly she grabbed the required tablets and paid the bill. "Thank you" she bowed to the lady and ran out.

A few minutes went by and the streets became entirely abandoned. Suyin smiled as she spotted a stray kitten running across the road but then a sudden resonation of her phone ringing made her jump in fear.

Connecting the earphones to the phone, she accepted the call just to be greeted with loud yells.

"Where are you?"

"Did you not read the note I stuck on your bedroom door"

Suyin stayed silent waiting for him to respond. She could make out the sounds of him walking around.

"You didn't need to get anything you know"

"I had to. You're not feeling good"

"It's literally pitch black. Do you want me to come?"

"It's fine. Besides you're not

feeling well. I will be back in 10 minutes"

"You better. Be safe"

She cut the call chuckling. She found it funny how he was looking out for her and saying that he would come out to get her. Zhou doesn't even know the neighbourhood properly.

Gazing up at the night lumine down. She counted the few stars lighting up the midnight sky now and there. The moon was covered by a sheet of darkened clouds, street lamps flickered. She quickened her pace, scrolling through her playlist to pick out a song to listen to. But then her body automatically flinched by some unusual sounds coming ahead of her.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now