⬖ C . 25

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Red and warm. It began to swiftly leave her system as soon as the back of her head made contact with the edge of a bench.

A few splinters formed on her hand from the wooden surface but she didn't feel much pain. She felt nothing.

As if she lost one of her senses their was no pain no feeling. Just . . . numbness

Donghyuck was so immersed with the boy he lost all control of his strength and mind that he didn't even notice what he had committed. Her eyes felt glassy and blurred up, small sniffs left her as she attempted her best to hold back her tears.



Voices rang in her ears but she wasn't able to make out who or where is was coming from due to the buzzing sound overpowering their voices. Weakly she tilted her chin up to see Taeyeon and Dasom in front of her kneeling down.

Nausea and dizziness was taking over her body. Her sight was worsening as black dots formed invaded her sight. Squinted her eyes she let her pupils fall on their lips which were moving. Yet the girl heard nothing. Reaching over to both her ears she began banging on them hoping to be able to find some sort of sound enter. 


She heard nothing at all. The ringing in her ear heightened.

Slowly she tore her eyes towards Donghyuck's direction to find Jeno and Jaemin forcefully pulling him away from hurting the boy any further. However the boy thrashed around aggressively trying to get out of their grip.

Breifly shutting her eyes she blinked a few times trying to stay awake; she couldn't make out what was happening around her. Suyin constantly attempted to keep her them open. Again and again but the energy to lift her eyelids became weak finally leading her to fail.

She felt two strong arms lifting her up of the ground and the next thing she knew was that they were running with her in their hold. When she fluttered her eyelids open all she could see was a vague outline of a figure speaking to her. Even though she couldn't make out their features she knew by the touch that it was him. Her cousin.


Eventually losing all control of her consciousness her eyes rolled to the back of her head before sending her off into cold world.

No sight

She couldn't see anything as her eyes were shut tight. Her limbs were weak and vulnerable, her energy drained out. Disturbing sounds vibrated in her ear forcing her to come out of her deep slumber.

Carefully lifting her eyelids up, she was welcomed by the bright shining of light blinding her pupils. Involuntarily, she squinted and squirmed before letting out a small wince.

The unusual sounds halted but now were replaced by loud footsteps making her way. "Suyin are you ok?"

A hand held her back kindly aiding her up to a seating position. She turned to find Jeno's eyes wandering around, examining her. "W-what-"

"You fell unconscious" she took a large inhale however it lead to painful coughs that lasted a minute or so until Jeno gave her a glass of cold water to sooth her itching throat.

Remembering what occurred. She looked down to face her fingers, a few had plasters on while others didn't. "You feeling ok?" blinking a few times she nodded. However she wasn't fully honest. She could feel a stinging sensation. Her hand automatically held the back of her head to find a bandage decorating her forehead. "It hurts a little but much better" she weakly spoke.

A sudden thud of the door opening made both of them jolt their heads to the direction to find a furious Renjun stormed in with his hand occupied with Donghyucks wrist. As soon as he saw that the girl was awake, he pushed Donghyuck away before running towards her. "Omg Suyin you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine" she mumbled trying her best to give a smile to reassure him. "Thank god" he let out a breather. The Chinese boy embraced her into a tight hug rubbing her back before letting go. He twisted around to the tanned boy who stayed still on spot unbothered. His hostile eyes trailed around her wounds then back to her exhausted eyes.

Clenching his fist Renjun opened his mouth to say something  but was interrupted by a hand latching around his wrist. "I think we should let him apologise" Jeno muttered glanced at Suyin briefly.

She didn't hear what Jeno said but got the gist as she saw them leave her. Renjun halted in front of Donghyuck and gave a menacing glare and then, and only then he fully shutting the infirmary door.

Suyin shifted around the bed feeling a little uncomfortable. The bed was not cosy and soft. Instead she could feel the springs poking her butt which she hated. 

No one spoke and she couldn't even look up towards him. Minutes passed but eventually having enough of the silence Donghyuck sighed, taking his hands out his pockets to make way towards her. He sat down at the edge of the bed and twisted his body around to give her all his attention. He stared at her. With no remorse.

He didn't say a word and it made the situation even more awkward than it already was. Suyin pursed her lips, hating every moment. She wanted to duck under her duvet and escape at that very moment.

Pinching the bridge of his nose he breathed heavily before speaking out  "You really are trouble" he muttered catching her attention.

"Huh?" she asked clueless unable to hear him. "You're an idiot!" he sucked in some air exhaling harshly. 


That was not what she was expecting him to say after what happened to her. "What?" she yelled out in frustration. Every once of drowsiness evaporated. She was wide awake now.

"You should've left when I told you to. Now look at you. Renjun full on had a go at me because of you" baffled, Suyin went speechless.

Is he being serious?

That's what his problem is!

"I got hurt because of you!" she snapped back pointing a finger at him.

"Yeah because you interfered when it wasn't your place!" he spat back with the same amount of anger still aggravated by what she has done. Yeah maybe he is correct. It wasn't her place but what he was doing - hurting people, was wrong. No one stepped in so she did.

She couldn't respond. She was astonished by how cold hearted and cruel a person could be. Balling her fists tight she bit her bottom lip finding it utterly difficult to control her anger. Her teeth dug deep that if she put a little more pressure then she may have torn the skin apart.

"You know something Donghyuck . . . you're literally the most inconsiderate person I ever met. You're so full of yourself. I barely even know you but you fucking piss me off."

"Like you don't to me" Suyin gritted her teeth at his comment and pierced daggers at him. "You know I really didn't care about the fact that you hurt me to be honest because I hurt you before as well. So I was going to let it pass but now I'm not so sure"

Rolling his eyes he gave her a fake smile "Sorry princess for hurting that pretty little head of yours." the teasing tone of his voice, the way he pouted and made fun of her. This just ignited the small flame within her into an inferno. Her temper riled up in rage and her blood burned with repugnance.

Using all her remaining strength she stumbled out of the bed. She had no reason to stay there anymore. There is no point of talking and wasting her time on someone who won't change. His whole existence began to infuriate her. She did not want to be around him. Donghyuck just watched as she slammed the door shut violently. Suyin stormed down the corridor in a rush.

Upon seeing her, Renjun walked towards the girl but got nothing out of her. "Suyin-" disregarding him she carried on walking in her direction. "Suyin?"

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows at the retreating girl. When he had turned back around Renjun was already out of sight. The Chinese boy was entering the infirmary. Probably to have another go at Donghyuck. 

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now