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Music blast out the speakers, blaring noises and cheerful laughter resounded against the walls

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Music blast out the speakers, blaring noises and cheerful laughter resounded against the walls. It was a new experience. She had never been to a big party like this one and Suyin couldn't help but keep constantly smile widely.

She was shocked when Renjun told her that there was birthday party at NCT HQ. She was utterly confused as to who would invite her but then it all made sense when he said that it was Doyoung. It took a lot of convincing but when Renjun said that Zhou was also invited she agreed only because the younger boy kept on begging her.

Now she was in the living room with a bunch of people roaming around, drinking and eating. At the corner of the room Zhou was chit chatting with Chenle and Jisung. Scanning around she spotted Renjun talking to Jeno.

She was proud of him.

Grateful that he had finally accepted Zhou and has openly told his friends about him. Zhou seemed ecstatic and she noticed how much more happy he was been the past few days. "Suyin!!!" a voice called out from behind.

She spun around to see the birthday boy running towards her. "Doyoung happy birthday" she gave him a warm bear hug to which he returned. "I'm glad you were able to make it. Renjun said he struggled a lot to drag you to come" he narrowed his eyes at the end looking displeased. "I thought it would be weird for someone outside the gang to join in that's why" she scratched her nape to which he scoffed.

"You're always welcome here" he ruffled her hair to which she chuckled. Her eyes drifted and fell on Mark who called over the birthday boy. After waving a small bye he left her.

"What no way!" a voice was heard from behind. "Why not?!" Zhou yelled back at Renjun who was fuming with anger. "Chenle how could you give him your gun!" immediately Suyin's eyes widened seeing the item in the younger boys hand.

"I want to learn how to shoot" Zhou raised his arm up aiming the gun towards an empty wall. However Renjun wasn't having it. He grabbed the boys ear twisting it before yanking the weapon of him.

Shaking her head she scanned the area to find a certain someone missing. Furrowing her brows she left the busy room and wandering around the halls looking for him. The mansion was huge and the girl was still to get used to the many rooms and corridors.

"You looking for me?" a deep voice whispered in her ear sending an array of sweat to form. A high pitched scream left her lips and she jumped in fear. Donghyuck backed away laughing at her frightened features making her pout.

"You scared me" she complained scowling. The boy's smile didn't falter. He walked up to her before grabbing her hand in his.

"Come lets go to the rest" he said before dragging her away. Suyin didn't say anything and followed his lead but when they got to the living room there was a silence that settled in the air. The music had turned off but the chatters didn't stop "What going on?" she questioned confused.

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