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Cold and breezy

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Cold and breezy

It came out of now where. Just the other day she was sure that it was bright and sunny. Contrasting the sky today. Under her breathe she cursed the weather forecast for fooling her to believe that it wouldn't rain.

However she wasn't paying much attention to that as all her mind could think about was her missing cousin. She knew that something must've happened.

Since that day she had a go at him for coming home late he had always texted or called her beforehand to inform her. So it frightened her as she received nothing from him last night. No sign of where he had disappeared to.

First thing she did was bang on the next door neighbours door. Minho had no idea as well. All she got out of him was that he had gone straight to the Neo Sports Academy as soon as school had finished.

She searched high and low between ever miniature corner trying to find at least an item of his to be able to know that he was there. Nothing.

She got nothing.

It was the last place to check. She went around looking everywhere. The school, around the the neighbouring blocks in her residential area. How can someone just miss with no trace at all.

Last hope

The sports academy was the only place left for her to check. When she entered the building she ran past the door to the swimming pool. She wasn't supposed to be there. No visitors are allowed to enter.

Her drenched hair stuck to her scalp. A wet strands fell in front of her eyes. Her droopy eyes lazily scanned around until they fell on a familiar figure. With some remaining energy she made way towards him.

Please please please

Begging to know if he as any clue of the boys whereabouts she yanked his shoulder around. The coach's eyes widened in shock to see the young girl staring up at him with pleading eyes. Her eyes were red and sore, cheeks mixed with rain water and her salty tears.

"Miss Huang w-what are you doing here? Your not allowed to enter thi-"

"Please" she cried out loud gripping hard onto the mans jacket in her grasp. Facing to the floor she sniffed lightly loosing energy in her legs. Gulping down the older man eyed the girl in confusion trying to hold her up but he was too slow. Unable to withstand her heart ache she collapsed onto her knees. "Miss Huang!" he kneeled down in worry. "Miss are you ok?"

"Zhou" that's all he could hear, her voice frail and tired. "W-what?"

Slowly looking up to him with teary eyes she bit her quivering bottom lip. "Please tell me . . . please t-tell me that y-you know where he is!!"

Quite whispers were heard from the other room. She was able to hear a few words because the door was partially open. "She said that he went missing since last night" she heard the coaches voice. "And how is that our problem?" a feminine voice spoke out which she guessed to be the founder of the academy.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now