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The day dawned crisp and clear sending out a golden flares of sunlight through the slight gap past his dark grey curtains

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The day dawned crisp and clear sending out a golden flares of sunlight through the slight gap past his dark grey curtains. Chirrups of the morning birds sang out in a chorus as the sun rose. Suyin winced at the light hitting her eyes. She twisted and turned around eventually sitting up unable to go back to her peaceful slumber.

Rubbing her eyelids she yawned quietly and stretched her limbs before flickering over to the other figure in the same room. Donghyuck was calmly sleeping on the sofa curling up in a ball while cuddling the duvet in his palms.

Raising her brow she took a tip toed closer and crouched down near his face.

He slept here the whole night

Her lips etched upwards. Slowly the girl she stood up entering his bathroom to freshen up.

"Are you not going to sleep?" he furrowed his brows sitting up straight on his mattress. Suyin made a thin line with her lips as she seating herself on the edge of his bed.

Instantly Donghyuck noticed her nervous state. It baffled him because she slept next to the boy before. However her aroma suddenly changed into a shy one. Frowning lightly he gawked at her before finally understanding why. It was probably because of what he said right outside of Taeyeon's room.

He didn't intend her to take it so seriously and get awkward about it. But not wanting her to feel uncomfortable he stood up making his way to his sofa.

"W-what are you doing?" she stuttered. Donghyuck flickered his eyes back to her spotting her flustered state. Turning away  he got comfy. "Sleep" he ordered making her scrunch her features in confusion.

"You're not going sleep next to me?" she asked tilting her head. 

Smirking, he sat up eyeing her. "Do you want to sleep with me?" he spoke in a suggestive tone rising a blush to her cheeks. Shutting her eyes tight the girl let her head fall down harshly onto the pillow. Rapidly she covered her face under the blanket.

Chuckling lowly he shook his head going back to sleep. "I don't mind" she spoke out from under the duvet. Shocked by her daring words he shot his eyes open again. 

"I suddenly feel kinda active" Donghyuck breathed out.

He was unable to see her face but the small nervous hiccup that left her lips did not go unnoticed by him. Laughing he closed his eyes.

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