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Memories flourished through his mind as he strolled down his old school corridor heading towards the school office

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Memories flourished through his mind as he strolled down his old school corridor heading towards the school office. He ruffled his hair in frustration and barged through the door taking the teacher by surprise.

Exhaling hard he walked over to Zhou who was slumping over facing his feet. Feeling the sudden warmth radiating beside him, Zhou slowly lifted his head to find an unexpected face looking down at him.

"Renjun ge?"

He was bewildered not expecting his brother to come. Renjun was in the middle of his lesson when he received a call from Zhou's school saying that the boy got into a fight. Immediately he didn't even hesitate to ran out, heading to Zhou's school.

His first carer was Suyin according to the details the school have. However when they called the girl she wasn't able to pick up the call as she was busy working at the convenience store. That's why Renjun received the call next. He debated on whether to tell her but the last thing he wanted was stressing her out. Therefore he headed straight to the school instead without informing her.

"What happened?" he monotoned scanning the boy. A few bruises scattered across his body, a reddish purple patch on his cheek and scratches on his arm. "Nothing," Zhou grumbled, brushing Renjun's question off.

Scoffing he was about to interrogate him but was cut off by a teacher approached him. "You must be Zhou's Carer?" Renjun looked up at the teacher and nodded. His eyes fell on the adults face. Naturally his features scrunched up, he looked awfully familiar.

That's when it hit him. He was Renjun's old school teacher. "What's your relation to him?" Pausing momentarily he briefly flickered his eyesight to the boy before responding blandly. "Brother" instantly Zhou's eyes widened by the unforeseen answer. Snapping his head up he pursed his lips as a ghost of a smile appeared lightly, though he held it low.

"Renjun? Huang Renjun" the teacher repeated his name tilting his head to the side while scratching his head. His eyes trained on the floor, he looked like he was trying to remember something. Then suddenly a small gasp left his lips and he placed his hand over his mouth. "I remember you. You were that troublesome student who always disturbed my lessons." upon hearing him Renjun rolled his eyes and looked away. "Zhou is your brother?" he eyed Zhou in shock.

"Violence must run in the family" he tutted in a low voice but it did not go unheard by Renjun's who gritted his teeth. Who the hell is he to judge Renjun's family like that? As much as he wanted to have a go at his old teacher he held it in for Zhou's sake. Especially because the boy was already in trouble. Renjun didn't want to make it worse for him.

"Well Zhou got into a fight with another student" he pointed towards a boy sitting in the corner. A faint smile fell over Renjun's lips as he observed how that boy was beaten up worse than Zhou was. Blooded nose and a slit on his lower lip. The boy was holding a red damp tissue to his nose attempting to stop the constant flow of blood pouring out. He heard Zhou scoff distastefully making Renjun smirk lightly but his mood didn't stay on level as his annoying teacher opened his mouth to talk further. "Zhou's going to be suspended for 3 days"

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now