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"You're Renjun's brother?" Zhou nodded and Jeno's mouth fell agape in shock

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"You're Renjun's brother?" Zhou nodded and Jeno's mouth fell agape in shock. "He never told me about you" Hearing those words he felt the small hint of happiness within him just drain out.

Noticing the dejected look in the Chinese boys face Jeno felt terrible by what he said and pursed his lips trying to think of an excuse. "No, that's not what I meant. Renjun um - he uh . . . he doesn't ever speak about his family to be honest" he tried to cheer the boy up.

Zhou plastered on a forced smile. "It's ok we weren't that close anyway" As much as Jeno wanted to know what the boy meant by that he held back his urge to ask not wanting to step over the boundaries.

The click of the front door made all 3 of them turn to see Renjun walk in. Suyin instantly grabbed her bag and folder. "Thanks Jun" Worried about her well being he was about to ask if she was fine but the girl had already disappeared shutting her room door. Clicking his tongue he turned to leave but froze after seeing Jeno seated down on the sofa.

"What are you doing here?" He interrogated, utterly perplexed. "Suyin offered me coffee" he raised the cup. Inhaling heavily, he screwing his eyes shut, "I told you to drop her off, not have a tea party!"

"It's coffee Renjun not tea" Jeno corrected. "I don't care," he exaggerated. Shrugging his shoulder Jeno sipped the last part before standing beside Renjun. 

Renjun was about to leave but to his dismay something else caught his attention. Or specifically someone else . . .


He was sat on the sofa beside where Jeno was momentarily ago. Not showing much emotion he tried to refrain calm to not expose the true feelings that he feels towards the younger Chinese boy especially because Jeno was standing there. "We're leaving" he growled while giving Zhou a resentful glare.

He did his best. To hide his feelings yet it was noticed by Jeno who furrowed his eyebrows. Renjun slammed the door shut. The loud bang echoed down the flat corridor.

Zhou sat frozen unable to comprehend what happened.

Is he really embarrassed of me? He doesn't want me to meet his friends?

The boy bit his bottom lip hard until his sharp teeth tore the skin letting blood freely ooze out. Zhou thought that they both were getting somewhere, especially after playing games together. Guess he was wrong looking at the cold shoulder he received just now.

Zhou began to lose hope. How much longer is he supposed to endure?

Instead a rush of anger filled his heart.

Why does he hate me so much?

What did I do wrong?

Damn they both must really not get along well - Jeno thought

After exiting the block building Renjun halted and  spun on his heel to face Jeno. "What did Zhou say to you?" he gritted his teeth. "Umm that he is your brother" he carefully spoke not wanting to trigger anything, seeing that Renjun didn't seem much like himself. "And?" he pressed. "That you both aren't close" Jeno hesitantly spoke.

Deeply inhaling and exhaling he balled his fist, knuckles turning white slowly. 

"You never met Zhou and he isn't my brother understand! I don't have a brother. I don't want you telling anyone nor do I want to hear it from your mouth or anyone else's" Renjun stepped closer making Jeno freeze up by the strong threatening aura Renjun was letting out. His eyes dark as the night sky, they held so much power. It was the first time seeing Renjun this mad. It was like a dark spirit cast over his soul.

Vigorously nodding he realised it must be a sensitive topic to Renjun. He could tell just by the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice. 

He was being dead serious. 


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