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"I think you should apologize to him" Suyin banged the door shut in frustration

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"I think you should apologize to him" Suyin banged the door shut in frustration. "Please don't damage my car!" Renjun pleaded.

She exhaled harshly and spun to face him. "Why should I? He was so rude" Renjun nodded going along with her to make her feel better. Stepping closer the boy placed his hands on her shoulder massaging them. A narcotic tranquility relaxed her system at the tender feelings of her muscles setting free.  "I know try to let it go" Renjun whispered hoping that she would now listen as she seemed to have calmed down. But the boy spoke too early.

Breaking out of the comforting sensation that she felt a second ago she shot a icy glare at him pulling away. "I don't want to apologise! He didn't" she snapped back. 

Renjun let out a anguishing sigh rubbed his hand over his face. "Suyin just because he didn't, doesn't mean you don't. Remember what granny used to say. If you believe you have done something wrong you own up to it. Owning up to your mistakes makes you grow into a better person."

His voice altered pitch imitating the tone that his grandmother used to speak in. As if he was speaking some inspirational quotes that you find on the internet.

Suyin eyes the boy down at his bizarre change in behaviour. "Since when have you become so mature and motivational?" Renjun gave her an unamused looked by her rather insulting comment. "Always" Suyin scoffed finding it absolutely ridiculous.

"Urgh I need a donut" She groaned, making Renjun's head perk up. "No we just reached school" Rolling her eyes she walked off. "Whatever I'm going to class now"

That stupid habit of hers - he shook his head

The Chinese boy just pulled at his roots dissatisfied that he was unable to get his words through to her. 

"Suyin~ you ok?" Miri asked as the girl sat down beside her. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" she spoke with a stoic expression not even looking at the girl. Face front with no sense of life in her eyes. She looked like apathetic statue. 

"Well I don't know because you literally talked back to you know who" Nam-il sneakily pointed to Donghyuck at the back of the class. Suyin rolled her eyes and slumped on her chair lazily racking her eyes at the boy beside her.

"Don't even talk about him. I don't want anything to do with him right now." She grumbled spitting out some incoherent words under breathe at high speed like a rapper. Miri and Nam-il glanced at one another without saying a word. Just then the professor walked in and began ticking names off as he searched for each student. After a few minutes went by he clapped his hands gaining everyone's attention.

"Right class. Seems like no one is absent. Which is great because I will be hanging up the groups today. I won't be changing the topic given to each group so don't bother asking. You will be graded with your partner for the presentation. After the presentation you will write an essay about your topic with the research you've done in your own time, not during lesson time. Any questions" No one spoke and there was eerie silence that spread across the room.

Promptly, the professor walked up to the board and pinned a sheet. "Your group and topic are written up here." With that said he walked off.

Straight away everyone ran up as a bundle to read who they are partnered with. Some seemed delighted while others became depressed. Not moving a muscle Suyin observed her classmates from afar waiting for her partner to approach her. She was really not in the mood to stand up herself and check the sheet. 

Slowly the crowd dispersed yet no one came up to her.

"Noo I didn't get with Nam-il" Miri sulked. Suyin just smiled lightly patting her head. "It's ok we can still sit close to each other" Nam-il requested. "Suyin, have you checked yours yet." The latter shook her head and stood up stretching her limbs. A soothing feeling stretched along her body as her bones cracked into place. 

Letting out a pleasing yawn she turned to Miri. "I'll go now" The girl swiftly moved down the stairs making way to the front of the class. Humming lightly she scanned the list until her eyes fell on her name. "Causes and Effects of Cyber Bullying" she mumbled. A smile fell across her lips and she grabbed the sheet for her topic that was placed on the professor's desk and ran back to the others.

"What did you get?" Miri asked. "Causes and Effects of Cyber Bullying" Suyin danced a bit. Nam-il's eyes widened. "Lucky you got an easy one. I got Cults in the 21st Century" he sulked banging his head on the desk. "I shouldn't have taken sociology" he cried out.

Folding her arms she tutted her head at his negativity. "It's ok as long as you got paired with a hard working person it should be fine"

"True. Suyin, who did you get paired with?" Gasping she clicked her tongue at her stupidity for not checking who she got partnered with. With hope swirling through her eyes she neatly opened the folded paper to read her partner's name. 

All she wanted is for someone who isn't lazy and actually would try hard. However to her dismay it didn't go according to her wishes. The total opposite. Her features melted away into a pit of despair forming a downcast expression . Nam-il and Miri glanced at each other briefly before slowly walked either side to read the name.

A shocked gasp left Miri's lips and she covered her mouth with her hand giving Suyin a apologetic look.

God was not on her side

"The professor really wants me to fail, doesn't he?" she muttered. "Your fucking kidding me" she bit down just imagining the hassle that was to come.

What a nuisance!

 Nam-il pursed his lips before giving her a encouraging pat. "Good luck"

Flickering her sight up from where she was standing she settled her eyes on her one and only person in the whole room she finds a building irritation to.

Like always he was not moving nor working.

Sleeping. Never having the energy to do anything. 

Avolition? No it can't be

Shaking her head she shut her eyes tight. Under her gaze he looked nothing else but like . . .

A bear in it's hibernation.

A bear in it's hibernation

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