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Like she was in cloud 9. Her heart erratically beat against her chest. The effect he had on her was indescribable. A smile slowly formed across her features finding the familiarity of his lips and touch endurably pleasing.

He subtly pulling her face closer to his. The warm palms still on either side of her jaw, he caressed her skin with the pad of his thumbs before slowly placing an arm around her. On her tip toes she stepped towards him wrapping her arms around his torso for support as she melted into his hold. Every passing second, they shared felt meaningful and affectionate.

Against their will they finally broke apart reluctantly for need of air. Softly he rested his forehead against hers. Both smiling widely with glee. "Why did you hide it from me?" she spoke between her breathes attempting to regain her strength.

Chuckling lowly he opened his eyes to find her already staring deeply into his soul. "I enjoyed watching you stress out trying to remember what happened that night" clicking her tongue she stamped on his foot lightly making him hiss at the pain before playfully pouting. 

"That hurt" he sulked to which she giggled and pecked his lips before embracing him into a warm bear hug. The boy held her tight in his grip resting his cheek on the side of her head.

"Hyuck?" smiling at her calling him by his nickname again he hummed.

"I said this to you back then but I was drunk" she pulled back becoming lost in his dark orbs. Tilting his head, the tan boy waited patiently for her to carry on speaking. Taking a deep breath Suyin placed on a delicate smile.

"I love you Lee Donghyuck"

He stared at her with utmost shock. The air got knocked out his chest and she gazed at him softly. Yes - he heard her say it before but he wasn't sure why it effected him so much with strength this time. Maybe because she isn't drunk and her words were now definitely true. Coming from the bottom of her heart. He let her words sink in, blissfully his heart clenched at the raw emotion of her confession directed at him.

Unable to control his happiness, he dived in reattached his lips with hers shocking the girl who gasped in surprise. Yet without no complaints she kissed him back with the same neediness that he displayed.

It was unlike the ones before. More heated and passionate. He gripped her tight pressing her body against his as he effortlessly picked her up. Suyin hooked her legs around his waist and arms locking behind his neck. Both not parting away a single second as the boy moved a little to place her on his desk as they carried on with their intimate moment blinded with love.

With a brief tug on her bottom lip he deepened the kiss showcasing every ounce of his hidden feelings that he locked away from the girl.

Eventually pulling away he gazed right into her eyes with a boyish smile planted across his lips. Though she saw him smile now and again it was different this time. He looked . . .

Cute - she smiled widely at his adorable side.

Pulling her closer into a hug he soothingly stroked his hand through her hair while Suyin grasped the material of his shirt into her fist.

They stayed like that for awhile enjoying the warmth they emitted to one another. Slowly fluttering his eyes open he glanced down to notice the picture frame standing up.

The one which always brought bad memories.

The one during his high school.

The one where he was scowling and fighting Han Byeol. Every time she came into his mind he felt a pang of guilt yet it was different now.

He felt no emotion as his orbs laid on the photo. No thoughts. Nothing.

His heart and pain ridden emotions settled down like he was finally forgiven. The girl who was in his hold had changed his perspective on the tragic event. He didn't know how but she pulled him out of the dark shadow that once forecasted over him like a grey rain cloud.

With a wide grin formed across his lips he held the frame gently turning it upside down once again so that he couldn't see the image.

Pulling away he looked down at Suyin with love swimming in his eyes. Leaning down he pecked her lips and cheek before intertwining their hands togethers.

Gently he rested his forehead against hers rubbing circles on the back of her hand.

"I love you more Huang Suyin"

"I love you more Huang Suyin"

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I'm fine really 😭😭

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now