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"Are you feeling better now?" he rubbed her back in circular motions

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"Are you feeling better now?" he rubbed her back in circular motions. Suyin didn't respond still facing the floor. He found her peculiar. She drank the water but she was still not sober.

Biting her bottom lip she turned around and raised her hand before pointing it at him. "Who are you!"

Rolling his eyes he sighed. It was probably the 5th or 6th time she had asked the same question in the past 2 minutes. "You really are-"

"TROUBLE" she screamed out reflexively making him flinch back at her sudden outburst. "I heard that many times" she muttered before sticking her tongue out at him. Smiling he tucked in the a few loose stray hairs behind her ear.

"You drive me insane" he muttered finding her sometimes troublesome to which many would not believe due to the smile planted across his features that say otherwise. "Hyuck?"

"Hmm. What is it?" the boy leaned closer tilting his head . Suyin bit her inner cheek and blinked a few times trying to stay awake. "I feel like I'm flying" she stretched her arms out to which he gave a unamused look.

Is she drunk or high?

Tutting his head he rubbed her temples. "Your still drunk." he talked to himself taking a mental note to make sure she never drinks more then a few shots. Raising both hands to the sky she screamed at the top of her lungs. "NO" oh how badly he wanted to run away from the embarrassing situation. A few people were watching the strange antiques of the girl.

"I think you still are" he grabbed the water bottle and placed it between her lips making sure she takes big enough gulps. "This won't do" he mumbled standing up. "Stay there" he ordered her before walking back into the store to grab some snacks for her to eat and sober up faster.

When he came back she was leaning on the water bottle. Her chin on the lid with her eyes shut.

She asleep?

He wasn't complaining. As long as she doesn't muck about on the way back home he didn't care. However the moment of silence came to an end when she opened her mouth yet again making him internally cry. "Hyuck" with all his energy drained he let out a feeble hum.

But then a warm palm placed on his knee making the boy dart his eyes right at her. She was staring deeply into him as if she was searching for his soul. Her coffee orbs lulled him closer to her and he had the biggest urge to close the gap between them but sadly Suyin spoke out bringing him out of his mesmerised daze.

"Has anyone told you that your good looking?" she whispered as if it was some sort of secret. A smug look planted in his dark pupils and a smirk adorned on his lips. "Many" he breathed out, his breath fanned over her face lightly.

Chuckling she smiled widely before placing both her hands on either of his cheeks. "I thought you were handsome straight after I set my eye on you that day at work" she giggled at the end and backed away letting go of his face.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now