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It's not the end

if you're still trying

"If I knew that you could fight I wouldn't have gone easy on you

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"If I knew that you could fight I wouldn't have gone easy on you. I thought I needed plastic surgery because my nose fucking hurt." he seethed out. The edge of his lip slanted upwards. Slowly it gave a minuscule twitch of annoyance.

Scoffing, she was unable to hide her true reaction to his words. "You deserved it" she retorted back making sure it was inaudible for him to hear.

"What was that?" he demanded, banging the table which made her physically finch. The tone of his voice fell intimidating and deep, significantly contrasting how he spoke a second ago. His words resounded around the room making them ten times more threatening. Booming out loud, it vibrated in her ear drums sending quivers down her spine.

Distastefully, his eyes bored down her figure. He was seated on a chair leaning back on it while his legs were flunked over on the table. Tilting his head to the side he shut his pupils letting them roll to the back of his eyes. He stood up taking steps towards her.

Watching him begin to shorten the distance between each other, her heart naturally ran as adrenaline reached her muscles. Her heart beat became erratic.

"My work will be easier now that I see you everyday" he teasingly cooed towards her making a gulp down nervously as to what he has planned.


No thoughts coordinated with her mind apart from the unpleasant feeling of being at a susceptible position. He was in control and she was at his feet in defeat.

Caving in her submerging feared thoughts, she flicked her sight away from his dark hostile pupils. Unfortunately, she couldn't escape through the entrance she came through because he was closer to the door.

Oblivious to how close their proximity began to get, her eyes lighted up as a sense of relief flourished her body when she spotted the emergency exit.

Sadly, Donghyuck's gaze fell on whatever she had her eyes set on. Noticing what she was planning, an amused expression creeped up on his features. He took large steps down the lecture room closing in on her.

Before Suyin could even get a chance to sprint away he yanked her back by grabbing her arm. Loosing her balance she hit his sturdy chest letting out a surprised yelp by the unexpected action. Donghyuck squeezed his eyes tight grunting slightly by the pressure of her foot that stamped on him accidentally.

Automatically, she tilted her head up to find his eyes already trained on her soft orbs. He placed on an austere expression blankly staring down at her. Rolling his eyes he let out a infuriating grunt "You're stamping on me" he pressed.

Instantly she faced down to find her foot digging into his. A gasp left her lip and she stumbled away. Donghyuck held her up, composing her stance.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now