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"Don't panic!"

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"Don't panic!"

"I'm scared Renjun"

He could hear her how worried she was just by how her voice fell weak and vulnerable. She let out a groan of irritation before biting her lip down. Renjun was feeling the same as she was however not wanting to stress the girl out he carried on speaking in calm manner.

"Suyin stop worrying and look around once again ok"

She nodded indicating that she was listening even though Renjun couldn't see her.

"I'll tell Taeil hyung to help out ok. I'm cutting the call now."

"Yeah ok. Bye"


As soon as the call cut Renjun stood on his two feet walking back and forth. Taeil was already in the room. The call was on speaker so Renjun did not have to inform anything to him. The older boy had already ran up to his office to bring down his laptop to track down where the boy may have gone.

"Where is he?" Renjun yelled out running his hand through his hair. Jeno stood up patting the Chinese boys back. "He must be around somewhere. Don't worry to much" he tried his best to comfort him but it really wasn't working because it just frustrated the boy even further.

"Jeno you heard Suyin. Zhou hasn't come home since yesterday. What do you mean he must be around somewhere. What if something happened to him?"

Jeno sealed his lips not knowing what to say. He couldn't speak a word knowing that it wouldn't help the current situation at all. "Taeyong!!" a voice called out as the door flung open. Jungwoo ran in with a envelop in his hand.

Halting in front of his Boss, his eyes fell on the stoic expression that Taeyong was relaeasing. Breifly he glanced at the envelop before yanking it out of the boys grip to tear it open. Silence settled in the room as all eyes landed on their Boss who was speedily reading the letter.

A loud bang resounded around the walls as he slammed the white sheet of paper on the desk abruptly as a darkened expression fell across him.

"Tell me something - Dream . . ." hearing them being called the younger members of the gang placed all their attention on the older boy. "The mission I sent you guys on to collect the files from that lower rank gang. Tell me exactly what happened that day" he ordered sending a threatening glare to each and every member.

Gulping down his fear Jisung cleared his throat beginning to speak. "We got the documents and blast the bomb"

"And? Something else you happened to hide from me?" he raised his brow making the youngest back away behind Yuta.

"TBZ were there that day" Jaemin blurted out making Taeyong tilt his neck back to the ceiling with his eyes shut trying to contain his building anger. "It all makes sense now" he let out taking them by surprise. "What does?" Johnny questioned confused.

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