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She didn't know what happened to her. But after hearing about Byeol's death and how much it affected Donghyuck she hasn't been feeling her best. It constantly kept on bothering her.

It frustrated her how he blamed himself

"Suyin I think you should stop now" Nam-il forcefully yanked the shot glass from her hand but the girl just pouted and sent a glare to him. "Give it back you meanie!" she reached for the item from his grip but the girl stumbled of her chair as her eyes were playing around with her. She couldn't see straight from being all tipsy.

"No you've had enough. Miri tell her already" however he was in a crisis seeing his girlfriend lying her cheek on the metal surface of the table while mumbling gibberish and giggling to herself. Sighing he rubbed his temple letting out a upsetting whine.

How am I supposed to take them both back safely!

When he glanced back to see Suyin, she was downing the whole soju bottle. Screaming he grabbed it trying to get her to let go. "Suyin for heavens sake cut it out!"

"Donghyuck!!!" she cried out catching him by surprise. "What?" he furrowed his brows tilting his head to get a better view of the drunken girl. Her eyes were shut however she was saying a few things under her breathe.

"Donghyuck" it was inaudible. Barely over a whisper but he was able to make out what she was saying. Instantly his eyes widened and he let out a heavy breather. "Nam-il" she called out looking at the boy. "Yeah?"

"W-where is he?" she mumbled.

"Lee Donghyuck?" the boy questioned.

"Yeah, I want - hic - him . . . I - I need to tell him that - that . . ."

"That?" he leaned closer waiting for her to finish. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance and he grabbed her shoulders shaking her back and forth out of irritation. "Finish your sentence off already. I wanna know! That what?" the girl just slapped his arm away and pouting. "Bring him" she cried out nearly in tears.

This girl I swear to god

He tutted before grabbing her phone

Next time they ask me to go out for a drink I'm going to just walk away pretend that they are invisible- NO if I do that then Miri would kill me. If I say that I'm busy then she would also kill me and ask questions - WHAT THE!

The boy was brought out of his thoughts when a figure stood in front of him taking him by surprise. Slowly he glanced up to see the face of the boy who Suyin was calling out for.

It was as if he saw God approach him. Nam-il stood up hugging the boy while crying out. "It took you long enough she was driving my head in"

Scrunching his nose distastefully, Donghyuck pushed the boy off. "Right" he muttered before glancing down at Suyin.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now