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Like any other day Suyin expected Donghyuck to ignore her or either sleep throughout the whole lecture

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Like any other day Suyin expected Donghyuck to ignore her or either sleep throughout the whole lecture. It's become a habit for her not to question it too much. She would be more surprised if he had sat up paying attention. And to her surprise he was.

Well not entirely. He wasn't asleep however he was on his phone scrolling through and listening to music. Apart from his bizarre behaviour she made up her mind to not interacting with Sunwoo. She tried her best to blocking out his existence to the extent to not even spare a glimpse towards him.

However the same couldn't be said about the boy who constantly stole glances at her when ever he got the opportunity. She was well aware of it yet she pretended he was nothing worth her time, he was just a housefly buzzing in her ear wanting attention.

Today her stress level took an extensive peak because the professor was going through the slides at high speed. Totally not helping as she was lagging behind. Wanting to be on top of things she dug her nose into her notebook scribbling away. The last time she turned towards Donghyuck he was on his phone but a few minutes later when she turned he was asleep.

That's more like him

She chuckled before minding her own business. She didn't even know what the time was nor how much longer she got left until the lessons ends. Her brain was washed with factual information running through her mind that she wasn't even aware of what was going around her or even bothered by the small snores that Donghyuck was letting out.

However she did take into account that they came to a stop. The tanned boy's gaze lurked towards her after he woke up from the short nap. His pupils fell onto her shiny black hair that was not let down or tied in a low pony like always. Instead, it was bundled up into a messy bun preventing it from disturbing her view. A few stray strands let loose hanging down freely at the sides of her face. Now and then Suyin kept on tucking them in behind her ear.

He couldn't help but observe how her tongue slightly stuck out between her lips whenever she concentrated. Her dimples pronounced out every time she made a thin line with her lips.

Wandering around her features they drifted to her coffee coloured eyes. He watched intently as her eyelashes fluttered elegantly. A frown appeared on her forehead, creasing as the sunlight reflected into her face disrupting her.

Suyin squinted her pupils behind her glasses trying to not be blinded by the light.

Watching her struggle, Donghyuck sat up straight and placed his arms on the desk. He moved around until he was able to block the sunlight from her sight.

Perceiving what just occurred the girl flickered over to the boy who was already staring at her. A smile fell across her lips and she mouthed a small thanks. To which Donghyuck's eyes widened and he mentally cursed to himself.

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