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"You're mad aren't you?" Renjun just sipped his tea without showing any kind of emotion

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"You're mad aren't you?" Renjun just sipped his tea without showing any kind of emotion. Which was a problem to Suyin who had been attempting to figure out what exactly the boy was thinking and feeling at the moment.

"No" he bluntly spoke not even looking at her. Even though he said no it was more than enough for her to realise that he was indeed mad. She could hear it all in the tone of his voice.

"You are mad," she whispered. Renjun inhaled deeply and smacked his cup of tea onto the table.

"Fine! Yes I am. I am furious" he snapped at her. Suyin gulped, holding back her sudden sensation of fear that crept up her heart. She never expected Renjun to be this irritated.

Hiding her nervous state and pounding heart she stayed quiet. She wanted to hear him out, so he could vent out his frustration. So that he can calm down.

"You said you were coming to Korea. You! So why the fuck is he here!" his chest raised ballistically as he ranted out his hidden feelings in a rush. Suyin bit her lip then made a thin line before speaking.

"Zhou is a good boy Renjun" she softly tried to convince him.

"I don't care" he dragged out each word emphasising every one. "He is your brother though," Suyin pleaded.

"Well I hate to break it to you but I have never spoken to that kid ever in my whole life nor have I even seen what he looks like until now. And on top of that I don't even know how old he is"

Suyin sealed her lips. Renjun wasn't lying and he had a point. "He's 15," she quietly spoke. Instantly Renjun snapped his head towards her giving her a are you serious look. Not understanding why she doesn't get the fact that he doesn't give two shits about the him.

"Look Renjun, these past few years I lived in China. I've grown to love the kid as if he is my own brother just like you. And trust me when I say this, you will also like him. Just try and get to know him, he is your younger brother"

"NO HE ISN'T MY BROTHER! I DON'T HAVE A BROTHER!" he yelled out at the top of his lungs not taking in a single word the girl was trying to say. He huffed out air regaining his breath. A small thud was heard which caught both of their attention.

They both turned to face the interrupting sound. "Zhou" Suyin slowly spoke out, her heart beating rapidly by the fact that he heard everything. She pushed her chair out to stand on her feet. The younger boy stared at Suyin's gentle gaze and then at Renjun to find him glaring at him.

Unconsciously he slowly backed away and picked up his phone that he dropped. Softly he smiled "M-Maybe I shouldn't have come" he stuttered nervously. Suyin could see the distressed look in his eyes even if he tried to hide it with a smile.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now