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Violently the sharp edges dug ruthlessly into the fish

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Violently the sharp edges dug ruthlessly into the fish. Renjun showed no mercy as the sharp slender part of the knife cut through. Huffing in anger he stuffed the food into his mouth smacking on his food frustrated.

Jeno, who was sitting in front of him, he couldn't help but smile at watching Renjun's irritation. He looked utterly adorable all riled up with anger.

"I honestly don't see why you're mad," he stated. The Chinese boy snapped his head to the person beside him. Suyin was chit chatting with Taeyeon, getting cosy with his friends.

Quickly munching he swallowed down hard before talking. "I told Taeyeon to not introduce her to the rest of you. But did she listen? NO!" He stabbed the fish again showing no mercy.

"You got a problem with my girlfriend?" He twisted his head to see Jaemin drawing daggered towards the Chinese boy. Groaning out loud he just ignored him.

"So you all are in the same gang as Renjun?" Suyin leaned closer to Taeyeon who nodded. "Yeah but we aren't bad people" she turned to the voice that spoke. Suyin gazed at the smiling boy. His eyes curved into crescent shapes which she found unique. Jeno suddenly stopped smiling feeling awkward by the fact that she was staring at him deeply. Not looking away.

Backing away slightly he gulped down when she leaned closer towards him. "Has anyone told you that you have a pretty smile?"


She tilted her head lightly. "I guess not," she mumbled, backing away. "You have a pretty smile Jeno" she spoke louder for him to hear. The boy's eyes widened not expecting the sudden compliment. "T-thank you"

Renjun sighed and nudged the girl. Suyin frowned in confusion. "Stop getting close to them" She raised her brow amused before whispering something into his ear. "You're scared I will steal your friends away." Renjun scoffed. "What? I am a likable person" she shrugged cockily.

Renjun chuckled and pushed her away. When he glanced at Jeno, he caught the boy's gaze connected on his cousin. Immediately Renjun's smile faltered and he stiffened. "Jeno" he montoned, making the boy come out of his trace. "Yeah?"

"Suyin is a straightforward person." he stated making sure the boy didn't misunderstand her. Jeno didn't say anything and nodded slowly before glancing back at her. "She seems like a really kind person"

"Yeah she is" he monotoned narrowing his eyes at the boy.

"Renjun, I'm stealing Suyin. I will bring her back to you after your lesson" Renjun sighed and bored his eyes on Taeyeon. "Fine. Suyin meet me at the car park after my lesson finishes"

Smooth and swiftly the water peacefully moved down the river. Suyin's eyes fell onto her reflection that looked back at her body that perched on the bridge. A small nudge on her shoulder brought her out of her flowing thoughts.

Taeyeon held two ice cream handing one to the chinese girl. "Here" happily, Suyin accepted the sweet treat. A call rang cutting through the quiet atmosphere.

Taeyeon momentarily looked at Suyin before picking it up. Not wanting to be rude and listen to her conversation she looked elsewhere. Some children were playing on the swings and in the sand at the park.

It reminded her of the good times in childhood where you are carefree and have no worries. All that's important at that age is playing, eating and sleeping. Probably the best time in your whole life with no stress.

"Suyin follow me"  Taeyeon began walking off but still beckoned her request Suyin trailing behind her steps. They didn't walk too far. Just near the picnic benches where Suyin spotted a girl around their age heading their way.

A squeal left her lips while she waved in their direction. Confused, Suyin wasn't sure if she should wave back.

Is she waving at me?

One embarrassing thing is waving back at someone when they weren't even waving at you. Not wanting to do anything stupid she stayed put. But then it all made sense when Taeyeon hugged this random girl.

"Dasom, meet Suyin. Suyin meet Dasom" understanding it must be her friend she became less tensed up and placed on a smile.

Before Suyin could even speak or introduce herself Dasom gave her a strange look making her halt.

Her eyes were narrowed as if she was trying to figure out a complicated puzzle. "You're the girl who spoke to Chenle" it came out more like a question than a statement.

Confused Suyin knitted her eyebrows "What?" There was a sudden change in atmosphere as silence engulfed their air.

"Chenle told me about you. He said you're Renjun's cousin"

As soon as she heard that the Chinese girl noticed something since she stepped into Korea. Most people she met so far named her as 'Renjun's cousin'. It was kind of getting on her nerves because she felt like thats what she was going to be labelled as but then again she can't complain because they are all Renjun's friends.

"Ah yeah I am. I met Chenle once" she nodded, still feeling slightly awkward not knowing what to say exactly. Dasom seemed like a nice person but the Chinese girl was struggling to start a conversation.

"Anyway I'm Dasom and Chenles girlfriend'' she let out a shy smile. Suyin furrowed her brows. "Oh really? Wait, do you know about the . . ."

"Gang? Yeah I do"

Taeyeon just watched as they both opened up to one another and chatted a little more. The tensed air finally relaxed and a small smile formed across her lips. 


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