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Biting her nails, the girl snuggled in her duvet that was wrapped around her body

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Biting her nails, the girl snuggled in her duvet that was wrapped around her body. She didn't know what to do nor who to tell about last night's event.

Her eyes fell on the device placed on her desk. She wondered if telling Renjun might help. But then again it's not like the boy is even checking her messages. He's been airing her.

Even though her mind decided on not telling him, her fingers reached out to the device. She typed away hoping that he would read them.

After pressing send she stood up from her bed and walked out to find Zhou having breakfast. Hearing the light footsteps, the boy tilted his head up to see something that looked like a walking postmortem. "OMG I THOUGHT I SAW A GHOST!"

He coughed, choking on his water. Hair all messed up and dark circles under her eyes. A repulsed expression fell on the boy's face as he followed her every movement till the point she pulled her chair out.

Her mind was driven to the occurrence of last night that she bent down to sit on the chair but ended up laying down butt flat. A flourish of pain extended her behind. Zhou pursed his lips holding in his laughter but failed at the sour expression she let out due to her sore bottom.

"STOP LAUGHING! HELP ME UP!" She screamed at him. He calmed down, helping her up just like she commanded. "What happened? You look terrible?"

"Nothing" she grumbled rubbing her ass.

"Tell me. You've been acting strange" ignoring every word she bit into the toast taking it with her into her room. Zhou furrowed his eyebrows concerned for the older girl.

Before she shut the door she peeked out towards the boy. "I'm going to send in your admission for your school today. You're coming with me so be ready by 10 am"

Not saying another word she shut the door.

"Yes, that's fine. I already got all his contact details you sent. I'm impressed by his scores. Can he start in 2 days?"

Suyin glanced at the boy who shrugged his shoulders. Immediately she understood that he didn't mind the short notice.

"Yeah 2 days is fine"

"Brilliant. Zhou, when you come to school, remember to meet me in this office again." the boy nodded but the teacher pursed his lips. "You can speak Korean right? Your cousin has been doing all the talking this whole time" he furrowed his eyebrows.

Zhou glanced at Suyin without saying a word. The girl gestured him to speak but Zhou sealed his lips without saying a word. Suyin looked at the teacher, giving him an awkward chuckle. "He isn't much of a talker. But don't worry he is good at Korean"

The teacher slowly nodded his head. "That's fine. I mean if he is struggling with the language I can find a way to help him out. I mean I am his teacher after all. It's my job" he laughed out loud. More like a cackle. Suyin furrowed her eyebrows not understanding what was so funny but she let out a fake awkward laugh.

What the hell? Why is he laughing?

Both cousins eyed each other briefly understanding that they were both thinking the same. "Well anyway it's nice to meet both of you. Zhou I am looking forward to being your homeroom teacher. And don't worry about the uniform we can get you one by the end of the first week"

"Thank you. " Suyin stood up shaking his hand. As soon as they left the building she let out a sigh. "He's so strange," she grumbled.

"I know"

"Korean!" she snapped at the boy who rolled his eyes. "I KNOW!" he repeated in Korean to satisfy her.


Suyin was typing in the pin for their apartment when the neighbours door opened. A boy walked out holding bin bags.

"Oh hey Noona!" the sudden cheerful voice made her halt her movements and turn to spot a boy walking towards their direction.

"Minho hey" Zhou just didn't say a word and watched as they both mingled until his name was brought up.

"Oh yeah this is my cousin Zhou." she pointed to the Chinese boy next to her. "You're Zhou. Nice to meet you. Noona mentioned about you and said how we are the same age. We should be friends"

Zhou nodded curtly and smiled at the boy. "That would be nice"

Suyin felt relieved to see Zhou loosening up and settling down better. She was beginning to get worried that he would become closed up due to moving to a new country.

She's known Minho since he was a baby and trusted the boy a lot. When she used to live with her granny and Renjun the boy was their neighbour. And when she saw them the day before she was excited to see that they still live in the same place. Suyin hoped that they would become good friends.

The sky was becoming darker as the sun was setting. Suyin was making dinner and Zhou was helping her but he could not ignore the distressed expression on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Suyin snapped out of her trance and faced him. "Huh - oh . . . nothing" she looked back down to the floor avoiding his gaze. Pursing his lips he tilted his head slightly to see her at a better angle. "You know you can tell me anything? You haven't been the same since yesterday night"

Her eyes wandered between his pleading orbs. Eventually she let out a sigh and nodded knowing that he has the right to know. 


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