⬖ C . 34

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Donghyuck leaned closer to her and stroked her hair softly

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Donghyuck leaned closer to her and stroked her hair softly. "Angel what's wrong?" he whispered.

No response

"I can't help if you don't say anything"

"Just let me be," she let out. Her voice cracked and it sounded so vulnerable. Donghyuck sighed and grabbed her shoulders pulling her up. She tried to fight off but he was too strong. Instead she leaned her face into her hands. The boy tilted his head to try to get a better view. "Look at me"

This was the first time she heard him speak so delicately with her. She shook her head thinking that the boy was yet again showing pity on her like did before.

But Donghyuck wasn't having it and pulled her hands away forcefully from her face even though she was reluctant to do so.

The view tore his heart. Her rosy cheeks tainted with her wet tears. Her eyes didn't glow bright like they always did but instead were puffy and sore. Donghyuck gulped down, nervous not knowing what to do. Her tears did not stop. They kept on slowly trailing down unstoppably.

Her trembling hands fell to her lap along with her head which faced down hiding it from the boy. Her hair falling low over her features so that she completely hid away from him. Donghyuck licked his lip and bent to see her properly. "What happened?" he asked. Suyin's breath hitched, her voice stuck, afraid to speak.

Naturally in the uncomfortable conversation her body tensed up. Her fingers began to fidget and grasp onto the edge of her skirt. Without realising the action caused her skirt to reveal the faint outline of a handprint on her skin.

This did not go unnoticed by Donghyuck. He was hesitant but pulling his chair closer to hers. Ever so slightly he held the edge of her skirt but he froze noticing her uncomfortable expression. "I won't do anything" he reassured. Suyin sniffed lightly, small hiccups leaving her lips. Her eyes wandered between his before she nodded slowly

She didn't know why but . . . she trusted him.

Gently he pushed her skirt up the tiniest bit to get a better look at the reddish purple mark that coloured her skin.

Raging anger overtook his nerves in an instant seeing the dreadful mark tainting her. His confused state subdued as clarity resurfaced his mind.

"Did he do this to you? Kim Sunwoo?" he seethed out, blood boiling lividly. His voice fell a few octaves, dark and cold full of venom scratching out over an ounce of indignation within him. Suyin's whimpers increased and her breaths fell shaky. She became more panicked hearing his booming tone. It scared her. How dark his eyes transformed. Goosebumps trailed up her limps and she felt paralysed unable to move as a cold breeze sent a shiver up her spine. Donghyuck inhaled deeply and calmed his pulsating anger.

Gently he cupped her cheeks, lifting her head up to examine her. His heart plummeted seeing the terror swimming in her pupils and her susceptible state.

Not wanting to scare her any further, he repeated his words in a more calming tone. "Who was it, Angel?" Suyin's eyes wandered between his back and forth. She couldn't hold all her sorrow within her any longer and poured it all out.

Her sobs turned into aching cries full of pain and torment. "Sunwoo" she bawled out. Donghyuck gritted his teeth as he was correct. He pushed his chair away and was about to stand up when her hand latched onto his. She frantically shook her head knowing what he was about to do. She can just tell by the look at his facial expression. The pure aggravation.

Reluctantly he sat back down staying quiet. Her warm hand was still holding onto his and Donghyuck didn't pull away. Instead he soothingly caressed it, rubbing small circles. Watching that she was having a hard time to calm down, he pulled her chair closer to him making her eyes widen.

Two arms wrapped around her body holding her delicately as if she was fragile item that would break if touched and not taken care of with love. Suyin closed her eyes, resting her face into his chest feeling a sense of safety. Donghyuck exhaled heavily, he placed his chin on her shoulder. Calmingly he rubbed circles on her back with one hand while the other ran through her hair.

Suyin didn't let go, his sweet honey voice was humming divinely helping her small cries die down. A few hiccups left her lips. Donghyuck held her tighter in his arms whispering delicately into her ear.

"It's ok you're safe now" 

"It's ok you're safe now" 

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