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Sometimes people simply fade away 

without even waving a final goodbye

"Suyin!! Give it back!" Renjun chased the girl as she ran away with the remote clutched in her hand

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"Suyin!! Give it back!" Renjun chased the girl as she ran away with the remote clutched in her hand. "No it's my turn to choose" she spat back at him.

"I'm older so you listen to me" The boy placed both hands on his hips stomping aggressively on the ground. "Only 2 months older" she stuck her tongue out blowing a raspberry. Irritated, he gripped onto the remote and they both played tug of war fighting for dominance over the item.

"And yet again you both are fighting. Both your mothers never drove me this crazy when they were your age" she tutted sitting down pulling both kids beside her. "How were they then?" Suyin leaned towards her grandmother.

Suyin has only ever seen pictures of her father and mother. Now and then she asked granny to tell her stories about her mother.

"Hmm" she tapped her chin looking down to find Suyin's doe eyes gazing back at her. She chuckled before holding the small girl closer, placing her on her lap. "They got along well and played together and always smiled. They never fought"

"Lies! They are all lies" Renjun huffed out, making his grandmother raise her eyebrows amused. "Mum told me that aunty always stole items from her. Now I see where Suyin got it from" A gasp fell from the girls lips while their grandmother laughed out loud.

"Renjun you so annoying!"

"And you're a weirdo!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Are too" laughter erupted from the boy's lips. "Haha you just said you are" he teased the younger girl making her tear up a little. "Renjun, say sorry to Suyin. I told you not to make her cry. You're her brother"

"No I'm not, I'm her cousin!" He folded his arms but immediately he felt regret after spotting the stray tear rolling down his cousin's chubby cheek. Without any thoughts he stood up, wiping them away. "I'm sorry" he hugged her.

A smile adorned on their grandmother's lips finding the kids' interactions heartwarming. "I wish you both are always like this" she muttered under her breath.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now