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Like she promised, Suyin sat with Miri and Nam-il during lunch

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Like she promised, Suyin sat with Miri and Nam-il during lunch. It was just the three of them on a table of 4. Nam-il and Miri were beside each other and Suyin was munching on her food while listening to their stories. They were talking about their date to the zoo.

Sadly, they were interrupted by an unexpected visitor placing themselves beside Suyin. The Chinese girl flickered her eyes to the perpetrator. He let out a soft smile to Suyin before looking at Nam-il and Miri.

"You guys don't mind if I join right?" Suyin didn't say a word and slowly looked at the other two who were vigorously nodding. "No worries," Miri inquired. Suyin knew exactly what the girl was up to and gave Miri an annoyed glare which was ignored. Sighing she carried on eating.

After a few minutes, an uncomfortable sensation disturbed her. Like someone was watching her. Cautiously Suyin scanned around and spotted a group of boys looking in her direction. Stiffly she glanced away and nudged the boy beside her. "Sunwoo . . . your friends are looking at us." Raising his eyebrows he looked back to his table to see that the girl was correct.

He gave them a strange look which didn't go unnoticed by the girl and then he gazed back at her. "It's fine, it's nothing" he brushed it off but Suyin didn't feel like it was nothing. She drifted her gaze back to them before setting her eyes back on her food.

A few tables away Renjun was gritting his teeth while crushing his cutlery in his fist. "Why is she sitting with him?" he yelled. All eyes on the table set on the Chinese boy before they followed the sight of his pupils.

Taeyeon gasped and shook her head. "Umm maybe we should tell her" she spoke out worriedly. "It's fine as long as he doesn't do anything stupid it should be fine" Jaemin stated but Renjun was burning inside.

"Still Suyin doesn't know who he really is -" before he could even finish a voice interjected him, taking everyone by surprise. "She was sitting next to him during lesson" Donghyuck monotoned not even sounding bothered by it. However inside he felt the same as Renjun.

"WHAT?!" Renjun was furious. "What are they plotting?" he muttered. "Do you think he knows that Suyin is my cousin?" Renjun questioned, slightly concerned, his voice wavered a bit.

"Probably" the Chinese boy snapped his head towards Donghyuck and groaned. He grabbed the tanned boy's hand making him form a disgusted expression. "Make sure he doesn't do anything to her," Renjun pleaded.

Donghyuck scrunched his features. "The fuck! Why should I?" Renjun made a thin line with his lips. "I know you both aren't on the best terms but for me, do it for me" he begged him. Renjun would do it himself but he won't be able to because the two are in different lessons. Donghyuck is the only one who shares the same lessons with her.

Facing away, Donghyuck glimpsed to the girl who was smiling widely at Sunwoo as they joked around. Just like before he felt his stomach churn is disgust. He had an urge to really go and beat Sunwoo up for no reason. Poking his cheek with his tongue he bored his eyes burning arrows to Sunwoo.

"Fine" he grumbled and yanked his hand away from the Chinese boy.

"Renjun~" Suyin sang as she entered the car. "How was your day?" she asked in a happy mood which really contrasted her attitude from the morning. Not hearing her cousin speak she turned to face him to see a disappointed look on his face.

"I guess you didn't have a great day" she spoke out more like a question than a statement. Renjun huffed out some air before starting the car engine and rode off. Suyin stayed quiet not understanding what got him in such a bad mood. But it irritated her as he kept on taking glimpses of her from the corner of his eyes during the whole ride. As if he had something to say. Even though she was faced forward he wasn't the most stealthiest.

Eventually having enough she whipped her head at him. "Spill it! What is it?" she demanded folding her arms.

"Nothing" Renjun instantly spoke, shaking his head trying to act normal but the look she gave him clearly told him that she was not convinced. Not being able to hold it in any longer he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He wanted to burst out his thoughts that continuously poked on his chest to escape.

"Stay away from Sunwoo," he blurted out.

"WAIT WHAT?" she was beyond shocked not expecting that kind of comment from him. "Why?" she asked, genuinely confused. "Just because."

"That doesn't tell me anything. Why?" Renjun was losing patience. Since a young age he grew a habit to be extremely over protective of the girl. Especially because she is the only one he sees as a real family member. He has an instinctive feeling of wanting to keep her safe. "Just don't question and listen to me" he ordered. As much as he wanted to tell her the reason he couldn't.

Suyin of course was not pleased with his answer. "I'm not going to listen to you until you give me a valid reason"

"For fuck sake Suyin just listen to me. I can't tell you" he exploded, unable to keep his calm. The girl's eyes widened, shocked that out of nowhere he just shouted at her. "Why can't you? I tell you everything about me and I never hide anything. I hate how you keep things to yourself. Why can't you tell me?"

Renjun harshly stopped at the traffic light making her body fall front. Luckily she didn't injure her forehead due to the seat belt tightly strapped against her. He flickered his gaze at her. He can see that she was beyond pissed and everything she said was correct. Renjun did keep secrets but Suyin doesn't understand that it's for her own safety. He doesn't want her to be in danger.

Sighing out heavily he raised his hand and ran it along his face. The girl was still waiting for him to tell her but Renjun stayed quiet.

"Renjun, you know something I hate about you . . .You're really controlling over me. I can be friends with whoever I want and I can do whatever I want. I don't need you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. I'm going to carry on being friends with Sunwoo. He is a kind guy and I really do like him. I would understand why you're telling me to stay away from him if you explain. Like if it's because you both have a bad history or something like that but I won't just listen to whatever you say anymore like I did before. I'm a grown adult and I have the right to do what I want. Until you tell me the reason I won't listen to you" she spoke calmly, not raising her voice she tried her best to get through to him in a mature manner.

Renjun could tell that everything she just said was from the bottom of her heart. She was correct about him being quite controlling. I mean he even said how she shouldn't meet his own friends. He has a good reason for them but Suyin just doesn't get it.

Before Renjun could even speak, the girl opened the car door and stepped out. "What are you doing?"

The girl just bluntly ignored and walked away to the pedestrian path. She felt exhausted by everything. 

She couldn't help but notice how the past few days have been terrible for her. Getting injured, fighting with Donghyuck. Now an argument with Renjun. She needed a break. 

Renjun was about to drag her back in but the vehicles behind began to honk at him. Pursing his lips he banged his fist on the steering wheel before hitting the gas. He just left assuming that she probably doesn't want to speak to him for the time being. 


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