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"How was it?"

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"How was it?"

"You won't believe it! He won a gold!"

"No way!!! I'm so proud of him where is he?"

"Still changing"

"Fine. I'll see you at home"

"Yeah bye Suyin"


She cut the call placing her phone away. She felt a guilty because she was unable to attend Zhou's competition. Unfortunately she had an exam during the same timings. Now she was waiting for Donghyuck who was finishing his exam off. He was in the second group but the girl was confused as to why he hadn't still finished when they had the same test papers which was meant to start and end at the same time .

Her thoughts came to an end when a pat of her shoulder brought her back to reality. Donghyuck was smiling down at her to which she returned. "How was it?" he asked grabbing her hand in his. "It was better than I thought"

"See you had nothing to worry about. You were stressing over nothing" he spoke leading her towards is car. "Yeah say that after the results come. What about yours?" she gazed up at him. He simply shrugged his shoulders. "Like you said, let's see after the results. Come I'll take you out for a meal as a celebration for finishing our last exam" he said will turning on the engine.

It's been 4 months since that day. Sunwoo left the university and no one knows where he had gone to. There were rumours that he was caught by the police probably because Johnny had handed in all their gang's activity. But there wasn't any proof.

Zhou recovered and he had started training a month and half ago. He worked really hard due to the short amount of time he had until the competitions but all his hard payed off as he won a gold. It was definitely a big step for him because this competition was for recruitment for the junior swimming team representing Korea. There is no need to say it as it's quite obvious. Zhou was clearly over the moon. He has been doing better. Health wise both mentally and physically. Especially when Renjun moved in with Suyin and Zhou.

He did leave the gang like he said. It was a difficult decision and it was hard for the members. Jeno especially but he respected the boys chose. On top of that Renjun sees them everyday at school so it makes no difference at all.

The girl was staring outside the window when a warm hand placed on her thigh made her snap her head to the other side. Donghyuck didn't spare a glance over to her, keeping his head training on the road however she was able to notice the faint tint of blush on his cheeks. Chuckling she shook her head finding him adorable. She was about to make a teasing remark but then her phone rang making her pick it up.


Donghyuck stayed quiet letting her carry on with her conversation but then he furrowed his brows noticing how her body tensed up. He turned to see the girl having a blank expression which he was unable to read. 


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