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Bold is in Chinese

Bold is in Chinese

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She missed it so much. Warmth tingled in her heart feeling a sense of comfort being back in the country she grew up in.

Her feet moved smoothly past the traffic of humans who were around the airport finding their luggage. Suyin's smile never faltered even when she bumped into a few strangers, she kindly bowed apologising.

Internally she was dancing to her music that was playing through her earphones feeling a rush of excitement for every step she took. She pushed the luggage trolley swiftly while gripping hold onto her heavy backpack that sat neatly against her shoulder.

Spotting the large green exit sign was all she needed for her to feel at ease. "Korea here I come" she began to laugh like a maniac not realising the many judging stares she received.

Suddenly her body spun around sharply, making her bump into a hard chest. Her nose squished and she scrunched up her face, squeezing her eyes tight at the unexpected action. Suyin immediately pulled away, rubbing her nose to reduce the pain.

She glanced up to see an angry looking boy facing down at her from his tall height.

"What's wrong with you? How could you forget about me!" His loud tantrums echoed across the airport building bringing many eyes to fall on the two.

The girl let out an awkward chuckle and pulled him down to her level by wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Shut up everyone is looking at us!"

"You didn't care much when you were laughing like a psycho '' he muttered under his breath. "WHAT!" she screeched but just received an eye roll from him while he pulled away.

"You just went off walking, forgetting a whole person - ME! I even called out your name multiple times"

Clueless she glanced at him blankly then a sudden pang of guilt surfaced in her mind. Yep the girl totally forgot that she didn't come alone. Nonetheless, she couldn't help but laugh at the fact that she walked off without the boy. "You're laughing! Are you seriously laughing?"

"Sorry" she breathed out while holding her laughter in. A stern expression fell across his face. "What if you went off without me and I was stuck here. I've never been to Korea and -"

"SHHH! Be quiet child!" her finger was gently placed on his lips.

"Stop complaining and lets go. And stop speaking in Chinese. You need to improve your Korean" She grabbed her items and began walking off with him following her like a lost pup.

"I'm already good at Korean. See I understood what you said and I am replying fluently" Suyin still faced forward nodding her head barely even listening. She turned right making way to the car park. "Well done!" she sarcastically responded, making the boy's smug smile drop.

Sulking he pouted "Jiě jie-"

"RENJUN!!!" she ran off dropping all her luggage chucking her bag towards the boy beside her. He just watched as she sprinted into Renjun's arms. In return Renjun picked the girl gently off the floor, crushing her in a warm embrace.

After a few seconds which seemed to last forever she pulled away smiling widely at him. "Look at you" she whistled at the boy scanning him up and down. "All grown up and . . . yep you look healthy" she nodded satisfied after examining his face.

"I can say the same about you. The snot nose girl exchanging into a pretty one. You cut your hair? I must say it suits you. But it's sad that you're still short in height" he teased receiving a slap on his arm along with a glare.

"I was taller than you before" She huffed out. Renjun just chuckled and ruffled her hair. Just joking - he mouthed. Suyin wasn't that short. Just above 5'3 but Renjun never missed a chance to tease her. "You're not that tall either" she mumbled under her breath inaudible to the boy.

"Where's the luggage?" a gasp left her lips and she spun around. Renjun followed the direction of her sight to find a boy struggling to push 2 luggage trolleys.

Suyin ran back and helped him out. After reaching Renjun's side she glanced up to find him already looking at her. "Who is he?" he pointed, not expecting another arrival.

Momentarily she paused, feeling her voice stuck at the back of her throat, scratching to blurt out the answer. She didn't know exactly how to tell him. Slowly she glanced between both boys and eventually her eyes landed back on Renjun who patiently waited for her to response. He lifted his eyebrows confused by her agitating state..

Pushing back her trembling nerves she took a deep breath hoping for a decent reaction from him.

"Renjun, say hi to Huang Zhou. . . Zhou say hi to your big brother"

Time stopped - a phrase that's only used in movies or books. Usually in romantic scenes or shocking scenes.

But never did he imagine that it could actually happen in real life. Renjun's eyes squinted, directing towards the boy that stood in front of him. His calmed features morphed into stiff ones as realisation came upon him.

His breath halted and limbs froze, not being able to process what to say or do.

After all it's not someone he ever hoped to meet

. . . Huang Zhou

 Huang Zhou

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