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He was taking forever

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He was taking forever

But what pissed her off the most was the fact that Renjun didn't inform her beforehand that his lesson was extended. Huffing some air she kicked her legs back and forth in the air as they were to short to reach the ground. "Not here yet?" a voice spoke out from behind.

Snapping her head up she attempted to make out the face of who was speaking. The sunlight shone right into her eyes blinding her, automatically making the girl raise her arm to shade herself to get a better look. Jeno stood still smiling down with his usual cute eye smile. The girl had not noticed Donghyuck standing behind him.

Hauling herself on her two feet she brushed her trousers still gazing at the taller boy. "Jeno have I told you that you have a pretty smile?" she tilted her head still guarding her face from the beaming sun. His features widened more naturally enhancing his crescent eyes.

"Yes that was the first thing you've actually said to me" he chuckled making her scrunch her features not remembering saying that comment. Briefly she darted her sight to the figure standing beside the boy. Donghyuck was staring at her with his eyes narrowed and dull.

Why does he look so irritated?

Shrugging him off she grabbed her bag returning back to Jeno. "Renjun's taking longer than expected" she commented to which he nodded his head. He was about to speak. Requesting her to drop her off but his words got cut off when the tanned boy latched onto her hand pulling her behind his back.

Suyin furrowed her brows darting her coffee coloured eyes to her right hand that was connected with Donghyucks. Pursing her lips she cleared her throat distracting her thoughts to not make a big deal about it and calm her pounding heart.

"I'll drop her so we should carry on our conversation later" he monotoned glaring at Jeno before dragging her away. Jeno's jaw dropped in utter confusion as to why he just received a hostile look.

Fixated on his broad back she couldn't help but feel a ghost of a smile sending a tingling sensation to trail up to her heart by just the sight of their linked hands. He gripped tighter intertwining his fingers with hers making the girl feel her insides exhilarate incredible. Sadly it came to an end when her palm filled with the cold breeze as he let go.

Instantly her features dropped and she snapped her head up to see him already looking down at her. But to her surprise it was not a pleasant look. He looked furious.

Is he mad at me?

"Is there something wrong?" she hesitantly asked, nervous that she did something wrong. The boy just sighed heavily looking away from her.

Why am I so upset by that? It's not even a big deal! Donghyuck stop it!

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked with a sorrowful look. Her voice was quiet and broken. Not getting a response she gulped back reaching over to his hand once again. The boy flinched slightly not expecting her to grab onto him. His lips parted watching as she randomly began to smile while gazing down at their once again intertwined hands. She slowly looked up with a wide grin.

"Your hands warm. I like holding your hand" she spoke shyly. Her straightforward honesty was shocking. But nonetheless it was like his mood look a flip and he forgot about everything. Stepping closer he placed his other hand behind her head bringing her face closer to his.

Delicately he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before moving away. "Come I'll take you home" he whispered.

Throughout the whole journey they both didn't speak. Suyin was in her own world jamming to the music that was playing. Donghyuck now and again took glimpses towards the dancing girl who was reluctant to let go of his hand.

She held on tight drawing patterns on his palm and playing around with his fingers. He didn't care at all. He enjoyed just hearing her sing her heart out to the music that was playing. Her voice was soft and angelic. That's when he realised how she really did suit the nickname he gave her.

"Hyuck sing with me" she poked his shoulder to which he shook his head. "Please" she scoffed lightly when he shook his head again. Sulking she threw his hand away staring outside the window.


"Suyin?" she didn't respond to him making him sigh. Why is she acting so strange today?

Gently he placed his hand on her thigh. Her breathe hitched but she didn't move. She didn't hate it like when Sunwoo did the same. It felt the opposite. Not getting a response from her still he gave in doing as she requested.

A small smirk laid across her lips happy that he sang like she asked but then her jaw dropped.

So divine. Sweet and melodious, his voice was dearie and soothing in your ears. It had the capability to take you to another dimension drawing away all sort of pain and negativity. Slowly her head subconsciously turned around.

"Your voice is so beautiful" she blurted out making him stop. A smug look raised across his lips and he nodded. "I don't sing in front of anyone. Be grateful" Biting her lip she faced away feeling sort of special.

He carried on humming to the tune while tapping his fingers on her knee to which she didn't mind.

Suyin was confused as to when they both got soo close and comfortable with one another. She felt like something happened that she was unaware of. She couldn't put a finger to it but she had noticed how Donghyuck also was acting different around her.

It was a good difference like he was more free with her.

I hope he's always like this

I hope he's always like this

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