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Pitch black yet her eyes stayed awake staring right up at the ceiling

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Pitch black yet her eyes stayed awake staring right up at the ceiling. Her mind was fuzzy with running thoughts. It did not take a break and she couldn't get a blink of sleep.

Yuta informed that Zhou is in a stable condition and he just has to recover. Knowing that he was safe and sound calmed her down and all her worries had raised off her chest. However her pent up frustration and anger still did not die down.

After Donghyuck told her how it was Zhou's blood she knew that he was beaten up bad even though he said that the boy wasn't. No one had to tell her. Mark was really bad at hiding the truth. When she spotted him she asked him as well if Zhou got badly injured. Though he said that it was minor injuries just like Donghyuck told her, Mark was a terrible liar. The tone of his voice and the nervous look in his eyes as he spoke to her. It said it all. Especially the stutter.

Yet she pretended to believe him. Now she couldn't sleep peacefully because all she could think about it how to beat the crap out of Sunwoo the next time she sees him.

He partly already got deserved what he needed with her threaten to hurt Sang-mi. Of course she didn't but still he hurt Zhou and she could never forgive him for that.

Some part of her was happy to know that Johnny had already started working on how to send out the information on Sangyeon's gang. Apparently they caused a lot of trouble in the past few years. He mentioned to the girl how he was going to sent the USB to a guy who works for the police. Someone who was Johnny's friends.

Suyin questioned how a gang member had friends who worked for the police yet that was the least of her worries.

Turning to the side she sighed seeing Taeyeon peacefully sleeping. Small quiet snores left the girls lips and she cuddled the duvet close to her face. Suyin also wanted to be as relaxed as she looked. Closing her eyes and sent off to dreamland but it didn't work.

Groaned out of frustration and quietly stood up and left Taeyeon's room shutting the door cautiously to not awake the girl.

She needed some fresh air.

Shockingly it actually helped her. The night breeze running through her locks. She bent down observing the flowers decorating the ground in the mansions gardens.

Who ever planted these look after them well

"What are you doing here?"

The sudden voice caught her off guard making squeal out loud as she fell onto the floor. Her hands clasped the material above her heart feared for her life. When she twisted around a figure stood right behind her overshadowing her petite body.

"Hyuck you scared me" she breathed out staring at him with annoyance. Making a thin line with his lips he gave an apologetic look before helping her stand back onto her two feet. Brushing of the dust on her but she gawked at him top to bottom. His hair was all messed up in different directions. One of his hand was placed in his jogger pockets while the other held a glass in his hand.

"Can't sleep?" he suddenly asked bringing her out of her trance. "Huh? - oh um . . . yeah" she nodded yawning lightly. Smiling at her tired looking figure he took his hand out of his pocket, tucking some stray hairs behind her ear.

"You haven't slept for 2 nights straight. You need to" he spoke out in a concerned tone. "I cant though. I've been trying" she spoke out in a weary exhausted voice. "Here drink some water" he handed his glass to which she drank from instantly without complaint.

After having enough the girl handed it back to him while whipping her lips with her long sleeves. Suddenly the boy grabbing her wrist dragging her back into the mansion.

She was too tired to question where he was taking her. Not saying a word she let him take her around. He momentarily stopped at the kitchen to place the glass back before making a stop in front of Taeyeon's room.

"Go" he ordered yet she was reluctant to listen. Clicking his tongue he gave a stern expression placing both hands on his torso. "Angel you need to sleep" he softly spoke to which she just pouted.

Rolling his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just go in. I'm tired as well. I'm leaving now" he turned around about to make his way back to own room when he got stopped by a hand latching onto his. When he connected his eyes back to hers he was greeted by her big doe eyes looking up at his.

Furrowing his brows and tilted his head waiting for her to speak. "Can't I sleep with you?"

As if he was about to have a heart attack he felt his heart furiously beating at high speed unable to put any words together to say back to her.

"You said that I am always welcome into your room" she spoke innocently stepping closer to him. His eyes dilated at how straight forward she was. He knew that it's not what she meant but he couldn't help but take it the other way.

Taking a step closer he placed his hands on her hips. A gasp left Suyin's lips as her body was pressed against his in a rough manner.

But what made the girl flinch and make her heart erratically beat was his next few words. He leaned down, like a breeze brushing against her hair, he lowly spoke in a hoarse voice into her ear.

"You do know the meaning behind your words . . . don't you Angel?

I may not be able to hold back if I start"

I may not be able to hold back if I start"

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