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He did it

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He did it.

Donghyuck actually did his work . Which was strange because when she checked in the morning it wasn't done. But after rethinking again and again she realised that he must've made a copy of the presentation and then added his work in. That's why he used his USB instead of hers.

Suyin's mind kept on floating back to during the time he was talking through the slides. His voice projected out clear as crystal and he had a voice like honey making you allure into his words. Nothing he said would be ignored. Even if the presentation was boring he had a talented skill to attract everyone's attention.

She underestimated. A lot.

His research and evaluations were so detailed it even shocked her on how he was able to do it. Listening to his points and information made her notice how intelligent he was. And on top of that a natural speaker.

She felt a swarm of butterflies in her stomach remembering how he held her hand tight gently caressing it when she got nervous. Unknown to her she was smiling to herself which creeped the people around her by her strange behaviour.

"Umm Suyin you ok?" Nam-il backed away from her in fear. Suyin sighed but her smile did not go away. "I'm perfectly fine"

"Why does she look love-struck?" Miri whispered to Nam-il whose eyes widened. "Oh my god. She does" the couple just watched as she fidgeted around smiling to herself and laughed out randomly.

"No, I think she just has a mental illness," Nam-il corrected. "Shut up!" Suyin hit his arm. But her smile did not falter. Nam-il grunted and moved further away hugging Miri for protection.

"Suyin well done on your presentation" she snapped her head around to see her professor handing out her grade. As soon as he left, Nam-il and Miri bent over her shoulder.

Loud and deafening gasp left Miri's lips as her eyes circled like saucers. "You got a grade A. That's so good!" Suyin herself was bewildered. Her jaw fell agape and the girl constantly blinked to read it properly. Snapping her head back, her pupils fell onto Donghyuck to see the boy sleeping.

A small giggle left her lips and she around front. "Thank you . . .Donghyuck" she muttered under her breath lightly smiling yet again.

I knew you are a good person

Suyin felt like she was on the same level as Donghyuck and perhaps on good terms. But then again whenever she reminded herself about the argument they had. She couldn't figure out what he was feeling.

Was he cool with her?

The girl did not have the confidence to approach the boy in case he is against it.

Randomly she let a groan out and lightly slapped her cheeks. Letting out a heaving sigh she opened her locker to grab a textbook. "Urgh this dress" her hands automatically went to her summer dress pulling at the ends. Initially she didn't actually want to wear it but the weather was so unpredictable in the morning. Out of the ordinary the forecast said that it would be sunshine and no rain.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now