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Creeping up her nerves, she felt exasperated reading the text sent to her

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Creeping up her nerves, she felt exasperated reading the text sent to her. The lesson did not start yet and she knew that she would need to miss it to deal with him.

He was definitely lucky to have not seen her due to the one week on holidays they had. But now he was just asking for it.

Aggressively kicking her chair back she stormed out blinded by rage that she did not even take in the number off calls directed towards her by her friends.

She didn't want to tell Renjun, Donghyuck or any of the others. The text was directed to her.

Only to her

Not any of them. Not thinking rationally she left in the middle of a conversation she was having with Miri and Nam-il.

However as she left the lecture room she was so concentrated by only one thing her adrenaline was beating for that the girl did not realise the tanned boy walking right past her. He was completely ignored. Confused by her strange behaviour he tailed behind from afar without a word.

Suyin sprinted up the flight of stair at high speed which made it difficult for him to stay on track with the weighing bag dragging him down. On top of that he was struggling to find what direction she was heading.

Suyin thrashed the metal door aside taking large strides towards him. "KIM SUNWOO!"

She yelled at the top of her lungs before blatantly launching a punch towards him. Not expecting the ferocious behaviour he backed away reflectively.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" she seethed out taking him by surprise. Never has he seen her so riled up. Suyin rarely gets this mad but when she does she finds it hard to control herself. In this state she is unstoppable. Like a lion on its hunt to tear her prey apart she gave no time to hear his words and only communicated with her fists.

"Fucking hell!" he constantly dodged and defended against her speedy attacks. Spinning around she aimed a kick right at his abdomen however he grabbed onto her leg stopping her to do so.

"You're mad?! I should be the one whose furious. You fucking kidnapped my sister you bitch."

"You're one to talk!" she pulled away glaring at him fiercely. "She's a kid! What did she do wrong?!" he growled out making her scoff in resentment.

"What about Zhou?! What did he do wrong?" stepping closer she clasped her hand onto his collar pushing the boy harshly back until he was leaning against the ledge of the rooftop building.

At the dangerous position he was at on the 5 story building he felt his heart racing a mile. He couldn't move, trapped like an insect caught on a spider web. Exactly where she wanted him to be.

He shot his eyes back up at her. The deathly gaze he was sent from under her, was no joke. Trembling she felt like he saw some sort of demon that possessed her, overtaking her soul to perish him for his wrong doings.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now