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Time ticked in it's normal pace yet it felt like ages until they received any sort of message from TBZ

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Time ticked in it's normal pace yet it felt like ages until they received any sort of message from TBZ. Some were loosing hope while others still held on tight.

Suyin bit her lip watching as Johnny and Yuta were formulating another plan. At first they initially thought maybe Suyin's plan would work so they sat back but it's been an hour and now they weren't sure if hearing her out and following her idea was the best decision that had done.

Standing up Suyin aggressively stormed over to the large balcony at the living room. She needed a break from everyone. She was so confident but seeing the others stress out she began to think that it was stupid to get involved and speak her thoughts.

Out of anger she repetitively kicked the metal railings again and again until a warmth laced on her wrist bringing her out of her flow of raging thoughts. Snapping her head back she tilted her head up to see Donghyuck softly gazing down at her.

He noticed how she began to doubt herself just by her body language. Gently he placed his hand on top of her head patting her hair delicately. It was a small gesture yet it had a large effect on her shaking nerves. At an instant they calmed down falling back to a stable condition.

"Thank you" she mumbled to which he raised a brow out of confusion. "For what?" he tilted his head. Exhaling lightly she smiled at him grabbing his hand that was placing on her head before bringing it down into her palm. "Everything" she made a thin line with her lips briefly glancing at Sang-mi once again to see the girl peacefully sleeping in Taeyeon's arms.

"I have faith" at the random comment he spoke out she connected her eyes back to him giving a questionable look. "It will work out. I have faith in your plan" she needed that. She needed the motivation to build back the belief in herself. Nodding she sucked in some air before speaking. "Yeah it wil-"

"Guys hear me out!" a voice interrupted as the door to the living room swung right open. Taeil breathed heavily before setting his eyes on Taeyong who stood up making way to him. Suyin let go of Donghyuck's hand and ran in knowing it was something important.

Taking heavy breathes Taeil placed a hand over his chest to regain his strength back. "What is it?" Renjun demanded loosing patience. "We need to leave now" Taeil eventually replied.

Suyin stepped forward catching the guys attention. "So . . . did it work?" she asked hesitantly, her voice falling quiet near the end.

Taeil's lips slowly etched upwards and he slowly nodding making her pounding heart relax with satisfaction. Taeyong patted the girls shoulder smiling proudly as an indication of thanks. Turning around he clapped his palms bringing every ones attention to him. "Johnny grab Sang-mi. Yuta get the infirmary ready when we bring Zhou back. Donghyuck, Mark, Jaehyun. You're all coming with me. The rest stay here"

"Can't I come!" Suyin latched onto Taeyong's arm with pleading eyes. Immediately he shook his head with disapproval. "No. Stay here."


"Suyin" Renjun grabbed her hand. He shook his head indirectly telling her to not speak. "I know you want to go. But it's best if you don't" he whispered before walking off.

Pursing her lips she watched until the Chinese boy disappeared around the corner. "Renjun is probably struggling as well. As soon as he heard that Zhou went missing he went ballistic you know. He wanted to go and save the him but Taeyong refused him to" Taeyeon rubbed Suyin's shoulder. "Zhou will come back safe" she reassured.

Gulping the bulge that formed in her throat she nodded. "I know" she whispered. Many of the other members left. A few went towards Renjun while the others went to help Yuta. Suyin stood still watching as Mark, Taeyong, Jaehyun left with their Boss.

Sighing she turned away to see Donghyuck standing behind her. "You really going?" she asked the boy with a concerned expression. Placing his gun into his pocket he nodded making her heart plummet in worry.

"Donghyuck hurry up!" Johnny called before shutting the door with Sang-mi in his hands.

"Come back safe" Suyin said biting her lip down staring into his eyes. A smile formed across his lips feeling his heart beat hard hearing her caring words which laced with concern that did not go undetected to the boy. Leaning down he placing a delicate kiss on her forehead before resting his forehead on hers.

"I will Angel, don't worry"

"I will Angel, don't worry"

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