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"So you're telling me that your friends are also coming to this university?" Renjun nodded, still facing the road

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"So you're telling me that your friends are also coming to this university?" Renjun nodded, still facing the road. "Can I meet them?"

"No, I don't want you anywhere near my gang," Suyin pouted. "I already met Chenle" she crossed her arms. Inhaling deeply, Renjun shut his eyes. "No" he spoke in a stern tone still  keeping his sight concentrated on the road ahead. Suyin slapped his arm and scowled.

"We're here get off" he parked the car and they both entered the building registering. Suyin was checking her schedule when she heard someone call her cousin's name. "Renjun!!" reflexively she turned to the direction of the voice to spot a girl running towards them. "Taeyeon, you're already here?"

"Yeah everyone is at the campus benches. Come I will take you - Oh wait. Who's that?" she pointed at Suyin. Renjun waved his hand, brushing her off.

"Oh I don't know who sh-" But before he could finish, he was cut off. "I'm Suyin" she jumped forward pushing Renjun away. Taeyeon's eyes widened instantly and she grabbed a hold of her hand. "Hey! Your Renjun's cousin right? He mentioned you before" Suyin nodded, smiling lightly.

"You should come meet the rest" Taeyeon pulled her but Renjun grabbed Suyin's other arm. "Not happening." he mono toned making the Chinese girl make a thin line with her lips. "Come on Renjun!" Taeyeon pleaded.

He declined the offer, pulling his cousin's arm, making Taeyeon forcefully let go. "She has a lesson now anyway. I'm dropping her off"

Sadly the girls waved as Suyin was dragged away. "So much for not meeting them." he muttered finding it unbelievable . "It's been less than 10 minutes and you already met Taeyeon," he complained.

"I honestly don't understand your problem with me meeting them"

"It's dangerous," he snapped back. Suyin clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes. "I'm already in danger Jun" she reminded him.

"Well try to not make your situation worse." Suyin huffed out a puff of air irritated but then her eyes fell on some artwork across the plain white walls. "Omg Jun look at the paintings, aren't they so pretty?" Renjun looked at where she was pointing and nodded agreeing. "I think we are in the Art block" he mumbled as his mind was focused on the artwork.

Suyin glanced up at him. "So this is where your lessons are held" Renjun looked down at her briefly before placing his arm around her shoulder. "Yeah" he breathed out admiring the sculptures that dangled down the ceiling. the delicate and detailed carvings were breathetaking. He was thinking about how talented the person must be to make such mastery.

"I think it's this room," Suyin searched through the windows and pulled away making the boy face down towards her. "Come in with me it looks empty"

"I need the toilet, I will come back in a minute." he informed. Suyin entered the room as soon as he was out of sight. Questioning if she even came to the correct lecture room she pursed her lips examining the area.

"Why is it so empty?" she muttered to herself. Strolling around she admired the seating and walls.  It was a newly constructed building so it was quite modern and extremely clean.

"Who would've known that we would be in the same major at the same university."

By the familiar voice her heart leaped a mile. It trembled hard against her ribcage. At a deliberately slow pace she twisted on her heels to find a unexpected face she hoped to have not seen anytime soon.

Flinching back she attempted to move her feet but she felt paralysed under his sight. Glued to the ground.

Frozen on spot.

"This is what people call fate. 

Right Angel ?"



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