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Half an hour left until her work finishes

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Half an hour left until her work finishes. Suyin was on her phone scrolling through instagram when the bell on the door to the convenience store rang. Automatically her back straightened up from her leaning position. 

"Hello" she greeted the customer with a friendly smile.

It was already late and only a few customers came by. Placing her phone away she glanced over to see the customer's head popping out from one of the aisle.

He was in the ramen section. Suyin leaned forward placing her elbows on the till counter waiting patiently.

After a few seconds an instant ramen cup and water bottle came into her view. Instantly she scanned the items.

"That will be ₩ 1620"

He handed her some cash but when she gripped onto it she couldn't pull it away. He held on tight. Confused she furrowed her brows and looked up to fix eye contact with a guy who seemed to be around her age.

Automatically her lips parted as her eyes fell on his beauty. He looked ethereal. Tanned skin decorated with small moles that trailed towards his neck. His hooded eyes that looked dark and sinister yet they seemed alluring to her with mystery pulling her in.

God damn

Suddenly she shook her head bringing back her attention to reality. "Umm . . . would you still like to purchase these." she asked, still not looking away. The boy's gaze didn't leave Suyin. He stared at her with no emotion found in his features. His eyes bored into her face as if he was reading her.

But then a smirk formed across his lips all too suddenly and he tilted his head to the side with amusement swimming in his dark pupils. "Found you" he whispered lowly. Not being able to hear what he said she furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

But he didn't repeat again and let go of the cash. Suyin tore eye contact retreating her hand before handed him the change. "Enjoy your meal" she bowed as he went to make his ramen.

Pursing her lips she sighed as her mind rewinded back to what he said to her. She didn't hear him and it bothered her because of the look he gave her. It was eccentric. Shaking her head she grabbing her phone out again.

He hung his head towards the floor letting out a deep chuckle as he left the store. When she glanced up she furrowed her brows because of his sudden disappearance. Scanning around she tilted her head towards the windows to see him sitting down at the benches outside the convenience store. 

Having his meal.

"Suyin, you can leave now," her Boss spoke out. "Are you sure? My shift doesn't finish until another 15 minutes"

"Yes I know but it's your first day" He pushed her slightly towards the staff doors. Go he mouthed.

It has only been one day working, but Suyin couldn't help but feel comfort around her Boss. He was only around his late 20's. Sweet and charming. Now and then during her shift he constantly asked how she was doing or if she needed help. He was quite chill according to her observations.

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