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She left the kitchen after quickly finishing her breakfast off

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She left the kitchen after quickly finishing her breakfast off. Though it's been half an hour she still couldn't get her mind off what Ryu said to her.

"Kissing! Drunk?" she scoffed seating herself down on the bench in front of her flowers that were planted in the garden. "Idiot" she laughed lightly resting her back staring up at the blue sky.

"Whose an idiot?" a voice intruded her flow of thoughts. Snapping her head back she saw Taeyong watering the flowers. "You planted these?" she curiously leaned forward. Smiling he nodded. "You like them?"

"Yeah they're pretty" the older boy nodded in agreement. "So you still didn't answer my question" he stated turning the hose pipe off. Tilting her head she looked up at him in confusion. "Who is the idiot?" he repeated.

"Oh . . .my boss" she bluntly spoke out making him blankly stare at her with no expression. "That's not very nice to say to your boss" he stated seating beside her.

"Why? Do you feel slightly offended because you're one as well?" she spoke in a teasing tone. Chuckling he shook his head. "I don't think any of my members would say I'm an idiot." he spoke in a confident tone.

"I say otherwise" Suyin smirked making the boy snap his head shattering his high ego. Narrowing his pupils at her, his whole expression fell and darkened. 

"Who?" he demanded his voice falling low itching to know who had spoken such crime-like words about him.

Raising her brow she folded her arms before looking up at the sky. "Doyoung" immediately Taeyong clicked his tongue. 

"He once told me how you're an idiot for sending him to go buy groceries even though you had enough food for the next week." shutting his eyes Taeyong groaned. "But then again after watching how much you all eat I see why you told him to buy more" she finished off. "He also said that one day he will throw you off your title as NCT's leader" Though she knew that Doyoung was only talking in that manner to act all tough she couldn't help but tell Taeyong knowing that he would have a go at the poor boy.

It's going to be entertaining

"You better not expect me to stay quiet about that because I'm gonna tell him" he glanced at the girl who shrugged not bothered by it at all. "I couldn't care less. He wouldn't dare do anything to me." she flicked her hair back making the older boy chuckle and ruffle her hair.

"Well I'm leaving. I got somewhere I have to visit" he placed on a irritated expression before walking off. He made his was into the back door of the mansions building and as soon as he was not in her view Suyin gently closed her eyes going back to what she was deeply thinking about before.

As much as what Ryu said sounded ridiculous she couldn't help but notice how she was unable to remember what happened that night.

What if . . . he wasn't lying!

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now