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"Yeah don't worry

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"Yeah don't worry. Just focus on formulating a plan to get Zhou back. She's with me right now" Suyin stared at him as he carried on talking on the phone. "Yeah ok. Sure . Yeah bye. Make sure you tell Renjun"

Straight after cutting the call he turned on his heels making his way back to her. The girl just finished her warm shower to make sure she doesn't catch a cold. Not that she cared or anything. Donghyuck didn't give her a chance to talk back at all.

When his dark pupils fell on her, he smiled lightly. She was sat on the edge of her bed cuddling her pillow. The towel drooped on top of her head. Water droplets made way down her strands of hair. She was too tired to dry it of. Her confused eyes staring up at him. She looked tired and exhausted. But in his eyes she was beautiful. Grabbing hold of the towel he sat behind her turning her body to let her back face him. Without saying any thing he dried her damp hair.

"Will he be ok?"

Her voice was quiet and weak. Sighing lightly he shifted closer wrapping his arms around the petite girl giving her a delicate back hug. She turned her head to the side a little to see his chin resting on her shoulder. He was close.

A bit too close for her heart to not stay in a stable condition.

Nervous, she began nibbling her bottom lip. Spotting her do this he clicked his tongue pulling her lip from being further abused. "Only I'm allowed to bite your lip" he whispered lowly into her ear.

Gulping back her muscles tense up frozen, processing what he just said. "W-what?" chuckling at her flustered composer he placed on a satisfied smile before moving his arm to wrap them around her waist. Like before he gently spoke into her ear in a calming tone to make sure she relaxes. "He will be fine Angel. We'll make sure that he will be"

In all honesty he wasn't sure. The situation that they were in was a tricky one. They had no idea as to how to save the boy. But the last thing he wanted was her stressing out and just leave it to the gang to get the boy back. After all it was because of them that he was in danger. But that's not how Suyin saw it.

Donghyuck filled her in with everything. About Zhou being kidnapped. She was confused as to why those random men were attacking her out of nowhere earlier ago but as soon as he explained, everything linked up.

Donghyuck felt sorrow towards her.

She looked extremely exhausted. Like all her energy had been drained out. She was running around the whole day looking for Zhou. On top of that she got no sleep at all waiting for him to return however he did not the whole night.

"Pick up my calls next time. I was worried" he spoke out bringing her out of her flow of thoughts. She lightly nodded her head and sighed fiddling with her fingers. "I left it at home" she mumbled to which he hummed and let her go to go back to drying her hair.

The waft of her argon scented shampoo drifted towards him making him want to take in the luscious smell even more. Like he was captivated to it, he unconsciously moving closer, leaning his nose into her hair making her cringe in disgust.

"I just washed my hair. Please don't rub your snot into it" she complained making him laugh. "Smells good" he muttered pulling away getting back to work.

Through out the whole day, she has felt the best at this moment. She didn't understand how. If it was just the fact that he was sat beside her or his words and actions that he displayed. However Donghyuck somehow lifted up her mood a little.

Only a little

She was still filled with panic. It irritated her that Zhou was captured as a hostage however she was satisfied to know where he is. Apart from that she was angry. Aggravated.

Furious at herself but more towards Sunwoo. He is part of a gang.

Shocking news to her. She would have never guessed that the jolly looking boy was part of a gang.

That cunning bastard

It was fake. Everything. Their conversation and friendship.

A dupe. He schemed it all to make her fall into a trap.

At last she understood why Renjun hated the fact that she hanged out with that boy. He was just using Suyin for his own benefits. Luckily she pushed him away. His plan didn't succeed and did not go as expected but that is what put Zhou in danger now. If it wasn't for her Zhou would be safe at home minding his own business.

No matter how many times Donghyuck told her that it's not her fault she couldn't accept it until Zhou is brought back in front of her.


She wanted to get back at Sunwoo. Teach him a lesson for everything he did to her and put her through. Who knows how bad he is treating her cousin. But what infuriated her the most was the fact that he wouldn't have known about Zhou if she hadn't met him that day when Sunwoo was picking up his sister.

At high speed Suyin's eye lit up and the glow that went missing for the past day had randomly returned.

Twisted around she gazed at Donghyuck who halted in drying and combing the girls hair. He tilted his head not understanding why she was looking at him so strangely. With a gleaming smile laced on her lips.



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