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Suyin forced Renjun to have dinner with them and didn't take no as an answer

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Suyin forced Renjun to have dinner with them and didn't take no as an answer. Zhou was extremely happy about the fact that he was having a meal with his older brother. He hoped that they could get closer but Renjun didn't give him a time of day.

"How was the first day of uni?" He leaned closer to both of them. Renjun didn't even glance up at the boy. Pursing his lips he tried to not look downhearted and turned to Suyin to at least hear her response.

"It was alright. But also good news, I found out that the guy who tried to kill me was Renjun's friend" Instantly Zhou whipped his head back to his older brother who was munching on his food.

"What! How is that good news?" he snapped at the older girl. "Because she isn't in danger anymore" Renjun monotoned not even looking up.

Zhou placed his fork down, not letting his eyes avert from the older boy. Thoughts flooded his mind. He wasn't able to process or link up anything. His eyes wandered around Renjun's features not knowing how to ask. Nonetheless, he built the courage and blurted out the question that was bugging him.

"Why is your friend killing people?" He was curious about what kind of person his older brother is.

Renjun let out a deep chuckle before tilting his head to the younger boy. His expression changed to an austere one. "I'm in a gang" his tone of voice making it sound like it was a totally normal thing.

Instantly Zhou's eyes filled with fear, agitating not knowing if Renjun was messing with him or not. Cautiously he examined Renjun's face and his heart plummeted down noticing that he was being dead serious.

Suyin didn't seem affected by the sudden news. She stayed quiet looked at them both blankly while eating peacefully.

"Jiě jie you knew about this?" Guiltily she choked on her food a little before looked away, avoiding his gaze. He felt a pang of betrayal that she hid this from him. "Do mum and dad know?"

Suyin shook her head. "Don't tell them" Zhou let out a gust of air that he unknowingly held.

Renjun scanned the boy's expression and smirked. "You like your older brother now kiddo?" He connected his eyes with Renjun who seemed to not care about how he was scaring the poor boy.

He let out a humorous chuckle and placed the plate into the sink. "Thanks for the meal Suyin. I'll come and pick you up tomorrow"

Zhou felt a strange sensation towards Renjun.

"Are you scared of him?" his heart jumped at the sudden voice. Pulling him out of his daze he turned to Suyin and shrugged. "I don't know. It's just too much to take in" he breathed out.

Suyin gave him a pitiful look. "Renjun isn't bad, Zhou. He doesn't hurt innocent people" She tried to show him the bright side to which the boy barely took in.

Ruffling his hair she stood up. "Come help me tidy up"

Chit chatters filled the busy room. Suyin was dazed by the number of groups that had already been formed just after one lesson.

She wasn't confident enough to walk over and speak to any of her classmates. Patiently she sat down at the back of the class waiting for her professor to come. He was late. Bored and miserable she tapped her fingers on the table rhythmically passing time.

Her eyes scanned the many faces and observed how smiley and jolly everyone was while speaking to each other. She felt a tad bit lonely.

The sound of the lecture doors opened wide and a figure stride to an empty seat. A seat at the back of the class. The same row as her however on the opposite side. There was something she immediately noticed, as soon as this person stepped into the room their presence was taken in by everyone.

Yeah maybe because they came late but the rest of their classes' expressions seemed unusual. Somewhat fearful.

"Isn't that Lee Haechan!"

"OMG I can't believe he's in our class"

"If I were you I would stay away from him. I heard he has a bad temper"

Lee haechan? I thought his name was something like Dongjoon

Suyin raised her brow intrigued by the number of looks he received. Is he popular?

Not bothered by his presence she turned away from him minding her own business. Just then she realised that the professor had entered, the room became silent as he spoke through the slides.

Suyin's concentration was all on the screen and her notebook, she was writing whatever he spoke but there was a slight burning sensation or an irritating feeling that distracted her.

It was unexplainable but all she knew was that it was making her feel uncomfortable. Like . . . someone was watching her.

How though? The girl was sitting right at the back of the class and when she scanned everyone in front, none of their heads were turned back towards her. She wasn't sure if what she was thinking was correct. But she went with her gut instinct.

Slowly she glimpsed to the corner of her eye to spot Donghyuck burning holes into her side profile. Scoffing she turned to look at him up and down before scrunching her features up. "What?" she mouthed harshly.

Donghyuck raised his right eyebrow, astonished by her confidence. Last time he checked she was shaking in fear. Eventhough she tried her best to hide it he was able to read her true feelings. But she was definitely quite unique.

He began to question if this was just an act she was playing on but nonetheless a smirk fell on his face before he replied back. "Fuck you" he mouthed back just like she did the day before.

Her face disorientated, tensing up and her teeth were jarred harshly. Observing how pissed off she seemed, the boy felt a little joy and turned away from her.

He leaned down on his desk napping through the whole lesson. Agravated she huffed out a breath before trying to ignore his whole existence. 


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