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Nothing comprehended with her mind as her heart was pounding with wrath. An uncomfortable sense of heat radiated out of her, many students moved aside seeing the ballistic looking girl march down the hallway out the building. Her nails dug into her palm as she clenched her fists denting red crescents into her smooth milky skin.

She was never the type to get angry so easily so it irritated her as to why Donghyuck was getting on her nerves for the smallest reasons. Like what was it about him that got the best of her.

She just couldn't stand him. Why did she care so much about the way he thinks.

When she hurt him she did feel guilty despite the fact that it was pure self-defence and he was after her to kill her. She even apologised sincerely yet he didn't take it. Which was his choice and she isn't complaining about it. But still!

Even after all that happened she was wanting to be friends with him thinking that he won't be too bad because Renjun is also his friend. At first it was so that they could get along and work better for their presentation. But as the days went by she didn't find him as annoying as she did at the beginning.


It enraged her how he felt no sign of rue even after she got injured by him.

It's not the fact that he didn't apologise. Fuck the apology she honestly didn't need it, as long as he knows that he made a mistake she was fine. But no he blamed it on her instead.

That's what riled her up the most.

Suyin only got involved because she didn't want him to get in trouble. And beating people is wrong anyway especially to the extent that he took it. The boy he was hurting looked so fragile as if it was nearly the end of him.

Pursing her lips, she held back her urge to let out an agonising scream. She wasn't taking in her surroundings and just walked straight forward.

She tilted her head up, the daylight penetrating the leaves that blocked the sun. Shadows encased her surroundings and she charged on ahead slapping her cheeks to try forget about him. At a sudden speed a arm pulled her back holding her small frame in their warm embrace. Not processing what or who it was she snapped back into reality to hear the sound of tires screeching.

The car made an emergency stop but if it wasn't for Jeno she would've been run over.

He was rapidly breathing, his chest heavily moving as if he went on a run. "Did you not hear me calling you? " he said between his shaking breathes.

Instinctively the girls eyes widened in shock and she blinked a few times before realising that they were standing in the middle of the road. There were many people staring at the two with worried expressions.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now