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As she was speaking a weird sensation was felt on her knee

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As she was speaking a weird sensation was felt on her knee. Her words lagged to speak out; her mind falling to the hand that was placed on her knee. Suyin gulped down the built up saliva and shook her head to ignore it and carry on explaining.

Even though she was going through the work, her concentration soley focusing on the textbook, her mind forcefully brought her back to Sunwoo beside her doing evil deeds. His eyes sat on the girl's features and she could feel him deeply peering at her.

A flurry of disgust and anger raged within her, her lungs tightened and clenched hard. She felt stuck, unable to move. Under his command as he took the pleasure of roaming his hand on her pure skin. Ever so slowly he began to ascend his hand along her exposed leg up her skirt while the other one placed around her waist.

She felt beyond horror by his behaviour. Her stomach was queasy and she felt miserable in his hold. As much as she wanted to scream she couldn't bring herself to.

"Stop it" she pleaded quietly.

Beads of anger and frustration at herself for not speaking up louder built up in her eyes. She couldn't see anything, her tears blocking her view.

"Stop it!" she spoke out louder. He definitely heard it this time yet Sunwoo didn't care. He carried on to his liking without taking into account her feelings. Her breathing became unstable and she lost it.

Not thinking or comprehending anything she pulled her chair back and stood up.

"Sunwoo STOP IT!" she yelled out. The girl did not take into account how loud she had screamed out. All eyes fall on the two. Her breathing became heavy as she help frustration raise up her nerves. The abrupt action caused a silence to settle in the air. Confused pairs of eyes surrounded her.

Not saying another word Suyin grabbed hold of her possessions and ran away from him. She didn't know where she was heading but her feet led her to a place she found safety. She ignored all the gazes that were sent her way.

She didn't care.

Donghyuck's legs were slung over the desk. He was slouched on his chair sleeping like always while listening to music. But the sudden warmth of the girl beside him brought him out of his slumber.

When he opened his eyes he bored his sight to the side. Suyin sat down hunching over onto the desk. Her arms wrapped over her head hiding her face.

Utterly Confused, the boy pulled his earphones out in and tilted over to see what's wrong. Why all of a sudden did she came over to him?

But then he noticed something off. When he glanced up he realised all the eyes directed towards them along with whispers arising in the air.

Hating all the attention aiming towards where he was sat he sent a dark threatening glare which instantly sent everyone to look elsewhere leaving him at peace.

Slowly he turned back to Suyin however to his dismay he couldn't see a thing. Her face was hidden, her hair falling over covering her features even more. Nonetheless his eyebrows furrowed as he noticed her shaking body.

His hand hovered over her back wanting to tap her but the boy halted as soon as he heard soft sniffs from her.

Is she crying?

The boy wasn't sure if it even was his place to interfere but then he couldn't help but feel concerned. The last time he checked she was constantly getting on his nerves.

I know you both aren't on the best of the terms but do it for me

He sighed to himself.

"Angel?" he hesitantly asked. Suyin didn't answer, not moving a muscle. "What's wrong?" he softly asked.

Donghyuck patiently waited for her to speak but she didn't say anything.

He stayed quiet and placed his hand gently on her back rubbing at it in circular motions trying to calm her down.

He flickered his eyes towards Sunwoo to see the boy smirking in his direction. That's when Donghyuck understood that it must've been his doing.

Habitually his tongue poked the side of his cheek trying to constrain his anger. But Sunwoo wasn't making it any easier, especially with the cocky smug smile plastered on his face as if he succeeded in something.

Donghyuck was about to stride towards him and beat that smirk off his face but the professor spoke up to call it the end of the lesson. All the students began to pack and leave. Donghyuck held back and sat beside Suyin who was still in the same position.

The lecture room became empty as everyone left leaving only the two of them. Her small sobs became more clear without all the chatting. For some reason it broke his heart hearing her like this.

She was always the cheerful girl who smiles and annoys him. But seeing her in pain made him realise something.

All this time he thought that he disliked her. He constantly wanted to push her away and get rid of her thinking that he hated her. But he never actually hated the girl, it was only because sometimes she reminded him of her. Of Han Byeol.

He could sometimes see Han Byeol within Suyin and it hurt him. But as soon as he noticed how close she was getting with Sunwoo he became jealous. He didn't admit it, always ignoring the feeling that itched in his heart dismissing it as something else or trying to cover it up with excuses. He didn't know when it happened or how it happened.

At first he thought maybe it just because she reminded him of her. But deeply thinking about it Suyin was different from Byeol. She was more fierce and strong. Even if she was scared she stood her ground.

Eventually he accepted it. He missed her. He felt lonely sat alone at the back without her constant complains and teasing. He enjoyed her presence.

I like her?

His lips parted slightly and he staring at her intensely. Gulping down he clenching his fist tight. He didn't want to make the same mistake as before.

Yeah I do like her

He exhaled lightly not looking away from her sullen figure

I'll hold on tight this time

I won't let go of you

I won't let go of you

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