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Standing afar she watched as Taeyeon spoke to Byeol

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Standing afar she watched as Taeyeon spoke to Byeol. She learned that she visits Byeol every Saturday. Hearing her say this made Suyin realise what good of a friend Taeyeon is and how close they both must've been.

Suddenly two feet came into her view so she glanced up to see Taeyeon smiling down at the girl. "I'm done speaking to her. You can go" Suyin gulped standing up. She halted unable to move but then felt a softly push on her back. Taeyeon gave a reassuring smile and gestured her to go.

Gently she placed the flowers down and bowed at a sharp 90 degrees before standing up straight again. Clearing her throat she opened her lips however she felt her lips not be able to muster any words to say. Inhaling deeply she tried once more.

"Umm Hi . . Han Byeol . . . I-uh, I'm Renjun's cousin, Huang Suyin. It's nice to meet you." she gulped nervously not knowing what to exactly say. "I've heard a lot about you. You're really pretty by the way" she scratched her nape. Pursing her lips she let out a gust of air. "Truth is . . . I always wanted to meet you." she fiddling with her fingers feeling a heavy tensed air fill around her.

"You know Hyuck struggled a lot after what happened to you. I don't know you but I know that you don't blame him. I mean . . . I heard stories about you from Taeyeon. You're a very kind-hearted person. Your death took a turn on him and it was difficult for him. . . But he's doing much better now. He's happier and smiling more. That's what Renjun said. I noticed as well. From the time when I first met him until now he changed a lot. I mean . . he tried to kill me back then" she smiled remembering how they both met and how so much has happened since that day.

She even questioned what would've happened if Donghyuck really did kill her. What would've happened to Renjun and Zhou? Would Donghyuck stay the same as he was back then or feel even more guilt knowing he hurt his friends family member. 

But knowing that it's useless thinking about them she brushed them away. She is happy. He is happy.

Biting her bottom lip she looked over to Byeol. "I wanted to tell you that he is in good hands and you have nothing to worry about" she smiled widely.

"What a change?" Opal spoke out in awe watching Donghyuck sitting next to her child who was on her lap. He used to run away as soon as his eyes set on the baby but now he was looking at her as they both had a mini staring contest.

"Why don't you hold her" Opal suggested but before he could even refuse she dropping baby Byeol on his lap so he couldn't even speak a word. Pursing his lips tight he lifted her up, making her stand on his lap. At that exact moment Suyin and Taeyeon walked in to see a unfamiliar sight.

"What are you looking at?" he muttered at the baby but then received a slap on his cheek. His face turned to the side and jaw fell wide open.

A small baby's giggles left her lips as dimples formed, indenting her soft chubby cheek. He turned around excruciatingly slow to see her clapping her hands in enthusiasm.

"Did you just slap me!" he eyed her but then she slapped his cheek again.

"Aww she likes you" Suyin teased to which he rolled his eyes giving Byeol back to the mother. "He didn't get along with Han Byeol and always had arguments. Why can I see the same happening with Jeong Byeol in the future" Taeyeon tutted to which she received a glare from the boy.

Rolling his eyes he abruptly stood up leaving the mother and daughter to grab Suyin's hand, forcefully dragged her up the stairs. Sadly as soon as Donghyuck left Byeol began to tear up. 

At that exact moment Jaehyun came in to find his daughter crying. Narrowing his eyes, he glared towards Taeyeon who froze on spot. 

"Who messed with my daughter?!"

"Hey where are we going?" she questioned to which he didn't answer until they eventually made a stop in front of his room.

Twisting on his heels he smirked down at her before leaning his face close to the girls. His breathe fanned against her raising a heated blush to her cheeks and tips of her ears.

"D-donghyuck" she stuttered nervously under his gaze. The boy let out a low chuckle enjoying every moment.

"Some privacy" he breathed out with a suggestive look before pushing her into his room and shutting his door close.

"Yah Lee Donghyuck!!"

"Yah Lee Donghyuck!!"

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⬖ END !!!! 

Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about this one

I debated many times if I should even publish it or not but in the end I did.  

I do feel like the ending was rushed but oh well!

Apart from that I'm really surprised by some of you guys saying that you like this book. It makes me happy because I personally thought I could do better. However this is still the beginning of my writing journey so I will definitely do my very best to keep coming back with book that you guys will love. 

Thank you for all the support!

I love you all!!!


This is a wrap to Healer 

And for Jeno . . . . no comment

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now