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"What? NCT are here as well!" Hwall groaned out once hearing the voice speak through their earpiece.

We always bump into them during missions - he thought to himself

"Hwall!" a voice came through his earpiece once again. "Yes?"

"Go through the second door" immediately following the order he slowly opened the door to see 2 men standing their. With no remorse nor a single thought passing his mind he shot one dead but sadly when he pulled the trigger for the next bullet it didn't come.

Fuck why now of all times - he mentally cursing realising that he ran out of bullets and had nothing but at empty magazine. The older man began charging towards the boy with a dagger grasped in his hand. Panic faced over his nerves as the boy had no weapons on him but a loud bang infiltrated the room.

An angel

A guardian angel came to his rescue. Hwall slowly turned around to see an NCT member standing behind him pointing the gun at his direction.

OR . . .

More specifically to the man who just got shot dead. "Y-you saved me" Hwall was in utter shock not expecting another gang to help him out. Renjun shrugged his shoulders walking over. "Thanks" he spoke out but the Chinese boy walked past to the next door ahead.

For protection Hwall followed as well. He wasn't entirely sure why he was but with no weapon he felt like he had no choice. Clicking his tongue Renjun twisted on his heels with a perplexed expression. "Why are you following me?" he whispered. But before the boy could answer the Chinese noticed him holding his gun and magazine separately. Rolling his eyes he grabbed his dagger chucking it at the boy. Skillfully Hwall caught it and placed on a small smile. "Thanks"

"Yeah well if you are then leave me alone. We aren't a team understand" though he spoke in a cold manner Hwall didn't care. Nodding his head he turned around walking away from the Chinese boy.

"Where is he?!" Kevin whisper-yelled unable to track down where Hwall had disappeared. Their members couldn't contact him so they went around searching for the boy. "We haven't checked this room" Sunwoo carefully pushed it open to find it dark with barely enough light. "Can you see him?"

Scanning around he sighed before shaking his head. As the two boys were about to leave a whimper was heard. "What was that!" Kevin snapped his head around to then find a limp body at the corner to the room covered with running blood.

His heart plummeted and legs fell weak as they recognised the features of the dying boy. "HWALL!" Sunwoo sprinted over falling on his knees as he took the dying boy in his hands. A small pocket knife was wedged into his heart, red blood spurting out. The never ending coughs of red liquid that left his lips.

Tears formed seeing one of their members at their dying breathes. "Hwall tell me who did this to you. I will fucking kill them!" Sunwoo clenched his jaw building a new found hatred towards who ever it was.

Unfortunately the boy did not know the face of who it was. All he knew was that it was one of the enemies that they came to attack on today. But only one thought surfaced Hwall's mind. The fact that Renjun saved him. Even though he was dying he couldn't help but want to pay back for the boy. They aren't even in the same gang yet he had such a kind heart.

Slowly parting his lips he tried to speak out his last words. But god took him away too fast that he was only able to speak a word.

"Renjun . . ."


"HWALL!!! Dammit" Sunwoo hit the floor hard. Breathing heavily he slowly lifted his head up shaking with anger. "I'm going to kill him. Huang Renjun . . . I'm coming for you"

SUNWOOO leave Renjun alone !!!

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SUNWOOO leave Renjun alone !!!

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now