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Slamming the locker door shut in an aggressive manner, she turned to notice the number of stares she gained by the ruthless sound that echoed down the hallway

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Slamming the locker door shut in an aggressive manner, she turned to notice the number of stares she gained by the ruthless sound that echoed down the hallway. Suyin gave an apologetic look before facing away.

"You have a lesson?" Taeyeon shook her head. "I have a free until this afternoon" immediately the Chinese girl latched onto her arm. "Let's go out then" she requested but sadly was turned down. "Jaemin's lesson is over now. He promised to take me out for lunch" Taeyeon pouted lightly.

Though Suyin's expression fell she nodded understanding. "Doesn't Renjun's lesson finish around now. It's in the same building as Jaemin's. Why don't you go with him?"

Humming to herself she momentarily paused to think about it. "OK" she immediately linked arms walking down the hallway. However the two didn't make it far when a ear-piercing sound close by jolted them in surprise. 

Resounding against the walls, it sent a ray of goosebumps along her limbs as if she felt a cold breeze rush by. Concentrating on what it was she guessed that it might be the sound of someone being tormented and abused. Gulping down her anxious nerves she glanced at Taeyeon who had the same expression reciprocating the exact idea. They both ran to see what the chaos was about.

A large bundle of people formed a crowd at the end of the hallway. The girls could barely see a thing. Her stomach churned and she felt sick just thinking about how badly that person was being beaten up. Instantly she regretted even thinking about walking over. Another thought resurfaced her mind. She now wanted to run away because for some reason it reminded her of the night she witnessed Donghyuck killing that man. Unfortunately she wasn't able to when Taeyeon dragged her arm after spotting Dasom in the corner screaming on the phone.

At the sudden force of her body being spun around Dasom squealed lightly but relaxed the tiniest bit after spotting that it was only Taeyeon. 

Taeyeon gave a perplexed expression shocked to see a panicked look on her friends face. "What's going on?" Sweat trickled down her forehead and her pupils wavered uncontrollably.

"Donghyuck. He-he's got into a fight. I called Jeno and the others. They are on their way" Suyin didn't process any of her words except for the part where she mentioned Donghyuck being in a fight.

Releasing her grip from Taeyeon, her feet took her to the crowd pushing past to see what the hell was going on. Yes, at first she wanted to run away but as soon as she heard his name it was like her mind flipped over and she was not in control of her limbs as they moved by themselves.

A horrific view, she questioned herself when she even wanting to look. Blooded fists and face. Red liquid tainting the flooring and their clothing. Donghyuck was brutally beating the poor boy underneath him.

A disgusted feeling in her bile reached her throat sending a burning sensation. She wanted to throw up from the metallic smell of blood floating in the air. Gagging at the scent she covered her mouth trying to not think about it as her pupils didn't leave the boy. He was thrashing the other jaw, sending blood to be coughed out endlessly.

A merciless view. Suyin gulped down the bulge that blocked her throat. A strange sense of relief set within her. Slightly grateful that she didn't get into a real fight with him. He is ruthless.

She genuinely thought that she was a good fighter after winning against Donghyuck. But she thought wrong. After taking in how awfully easy Donghyuck beat the other boy up, who was twice the size of him, it made her realise that Donghyuck went extremely easy on her. Otherwise she would've been dead by now.

Forcefully brushing the feeling down she took small steps towards him. Her heart pained seeing as the rest of the students just watched the fight not doing anything about it.

No one said a word. She doesn't blame them though, after being aware of how capable he is of causing such damage, she herself didn't feel like she had the confidence to stop him. Now it made sense why everyone feared him.

She couldn't bring herself to go up and try to stop him. However, her mind and body were not intact, they were not corresponding with one another. Her limbs moved against her will, taking her towards him.

A voice in her brain fighting against her body to step away and leave though it went unheard. er voice spoke out without her knowledge "Donghyuck stop" It was weak and soft.

Biting her quivering lips she tried again.

"Donghyuck!" She shouted this time. Even though he ignored her, she knew it was loud enough for him to hear.

"Donghyuck please stop!" she pleaded, grabbing onto his arm to pull him away. Harshly he pushed her off sending her to crash on the floor but Suyin didn't give up. She stood on her feet making way back to him again. "Donghyuck STOP IT!" she once again gripped onto him and demanded with a strong tone.

"Let go!" he yanked his arm from her. "NO!"

"If you don't want to get hurt GO AWAY!" he gritted his teeth ramming his fist into the other boys jaw.

"NO!" she spoke back, gaining some courage.

Donghyuck snapped his head to her but the small lag between his next punch gave more than enough time for the boy underneath to take this as a chance and tackled him. Suyin gasped as Donghyuck's jaw went flying to the side, his back hit the wall roughly making him grunt at the pain. 

Tilting his head up he let out a devilish laugh sending an icy glare to the boy. A deep threatening chuckle vibrating off his lips. Darkness submerging between them both, a demonic spirit raging to kill him.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" he seethed out. He stood on his two feet charging towards the boy. Instinctively Suyin's hand latched onto Donghyuck's jacket pulling him back. She tried to hold tight onto him but the boy simply slipped out the jacket, setting himself free. He stormed over stamping and jabbing the boy in a cruel manner.

Disregarding the girl's pleads he let out an animalistic growl raising his fist again. However this time Suyin gripped onto his hand. Trying to calm him down she softly spoke to him "Please Donghyuck stop it-"

"Fuck off!" unable to hold back his anger he punched the girl right in the face. 


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