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"Careful there's two in front" Jeno glanced over to Donghyuck giving him a signal to take the one on the right while he takes the one on the left

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"Careful there's two in front" Jeno glanced over to Donghyuck giving him a signal to take the one on the right while he takes the one on the left. Understanding what he was informing the tanned boy peeked past the wall and aimed at his next victim.

With no remorse he pulled the trigger. Headshot blood dripped endlessly. A deafening scream projected from a man that began to charge towards Donghyuck's hiding spot. Luckily, he couldn't even land a hit because Jeno shot him dead.

"Go through past the door and you should reach the office" Chenle directed. Both boys made it past safely and Jeno instantly ran to the computer hacking into the system to download the required documents.

"Hurry up," Donghyuck seethed out. Jeno's forehead creased pursing his lips. "30% left"

"Someone is coming your way!" Chenle informed through the earpiece. "Hurry up!," Donghyuck demanded more harshly this time.

"For Christ sake it's still downloading! I can't control it" Donghyuck gritted his teeth and changed the magazine of his gun to a brand new one filled with bullets.

"Danger!" a voice was heard through their earpiece once again. "What?!" Donghyuck was loosing patience. "Another gang is here" By the unexpected news Jeno's eyes fell towards Donghyuck who receprocated with the same surprised look. "Who?"


A groan left his lips not wanting to deal with them. "It's done, let's leave!" Jeno stood up, retreating the USB. He was about to leave however Donghyuck stopped him with a hand holding his back. "Destroy the computer and delete the files in it. We don't want them getting a hold of it"

Debating on whether to listen or not he bit his tongue hard. It would take time. "Jeno, he has a point! Do it" Jaemin interrupted. "But it may take awhile"

"Hyung just do it already then you won't be wasting time!"

"Jisung how much longer until the bomb exploded"

"Not long"

"Stop thinking and do it quick so we can get out alive" Donghyuck grabbed his shoulder. Jeno growled in annoyance before seating back down to destroy the files and documents. Making sure there was no trace of it. Renjun and Jaemin barged into the office glancing at Jeno who was still on the job.

"7 minutes until the bomb explodes" Jisung inquires. "Done, let's get out!" Donghyuck and Jeno were about to leave but the door to the office opened wide. A few familiar faces which they haven't seen in awhile.

"Long time no see NCT"

"Hwall" Jaemin stepped forward gritting his teeth. The boy chuckled seeing Jaemin all riled up. "How's that pretty girlfriend of yours?" he provoked the boy. "Shut up!" Jaemin yelled out. The boys had to get out if they wanted to live and the last thing they wanted was getting into a fight with a rival gang, however Donghyuck and Renjun had other plans.

Renjun had already attacked Sunwoo, throwing punches endlessly at him again and again. As soon as Jeno saw this he grabbed hold of the boy pulling him back. "Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" Renjun growled out in pure wrath.

Donghyuck's fists clenched, his tongue poked at the side of his cheek as he rotated his neck around trying to refrain his anger. His features became dark and demonic like he was possessed by some sort of dark spirit. Sunwoo whipped his lips that was stained with blood dripping from the edge. He hissed from the nasty punch he received but then let out a triumphed smirk "Can't promise you on that. She looks like a snac-"

His words were yet to finish. Didn't get a chance as a fist ramming into the side of his face. He was thrashed to the ground by the strong impact.

"What's going on?" Chenle asked confused.

"Hyung only 5 minutes left!"

Donghyuck knelt down grasping a handful of his collar. "Don't say another word or I will personally take you to hell myself and fucking bury you alive."

Renjun stopped fighting against Jeno, surprised by Donghyuck's sudden demeanour. He wasn't expecting that. Especially from him out of all his friends. After all he was sure that he wasn't a bit fan of his cousin.

"We need to leave!" Jaemin grabbed hold of Donghyuck, pulling him away.

"I hope they died in that fucking explosion" Donghyuck spat out tightened his jaw. Renjun narrowed his eyes on the boy , studying his attitudes. He had a certain question he wanted to ask but he felt like perhaps he was overthinking the situation.

A burning sensation directed towards him brought Donghyuck's attention away from his thoughts. When he darted his sight to the side he found Renjun deeply staring at him. "What?!"

The Chinese boy scoffed and turned away. "Nothing," he grumbled. "Can you guys be careful next time you all nearly died!" Jisung complained.

"Shut up and just focus on driving" 

"Shut up and just focus on driving" 

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