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"Suyin, give me some of your rolled omelets" Renjun pestered the girl but she rolled her eyes ignoring his pleads

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"Suyin, give me some of your rolled omelets" Renjun pestered the girl but she rolled her eyes ignoring his pleads.

Donghyuck was sitting right in front of her. Not pleased by her presence. "Why is she even sitting with us?" he muttered. Gawking at her finding her corporality disturbing. "Her friends went on a date and Taeyeon forced her to come sit with us. And on top of that she is Renjun's cousin. We all like her. She is one of us" Jeno simply answered, not even looking up at the boy while munching his food.

He let out a sardonic sound. "She's one of us now" he mocked Jeno to which the older boy didn't even find insulting. He simply let out a chuckle, shaking his head at Donghyuck's immaturity.

Slouching on his chair, he fixing his eyes back on the girl. His pupils shooting darts filled with abomination right at her direction. 

"What the - You gave me your cake!" Suyin gasped covering her mouth while eyeing her cousin in shock. Renjun clicked his tongue pointing at the omelet with his chopsticks. "You're expecting me to give you this!" she blinked a few times finding his request pathetically absurd. 

"Food is my baby love!" she pulled her tray to her chest protecting it with her dear life while pointing her chopsticks to him in a threatening way.

As soon as she said those words Taeyeon's eyes widened instantly and she dropped her utensils with a sorrowful expression raising along her features.

The Chinese boy didn't give up and tried to steal her omelet. "Jun!" she snapped at him. Their constant bickering began to effect Donghyuck as he was feeling a mild headache on it's way. But he stayed put blocking out her voice.

Trembling limbs and teary eyes forming, Taeyeon clenched her fists speaking up which caught Donghyuck's attention. She was whispered into Jaemin ear quietly but the tanned boy heard every word.

Ever so cautiously he glanced over to Suyin as a memory resurfaced his mind.

"What the - you gave me your food!" Byeol gasped covering her mouth. "What in the world! What a change but thanks darling." she winked to which Taeyeon shook her head chuckling. "Don't expect me to hand anything to you. Food is my baby love" Byeol warned, pointing her chopsticks to the girl.

Screwing his eyes tight, he tilted his head towards the sky before letting out a aggravating growl. Kicking his chair back harshly he banging his hands on the surface of the table before standing up straight.

At the sudden outrage he let out, all eyes fell on him. His hooded orbs were hidden by his hair but Suyin was able to see him physically tensing his muscles up. At a slow pace he lifted his head twisting his neck in circular motions letting out deafening cracks of his bones before fixing his deathly glare at the girl who sat in front of him.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now