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"Next time slap him," Donghyuck demanded to the girl whose eyes fell on the pedestrians walking outside

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"Next time slap him," Donghyuck demanded to the girl whose eyes fell on the pedestrians walking outside. She felt dreadful by the fact that she didn't do anything about it apart from pleading him to stop. She was mad at herself for not standing up against him stronger.

A sigh left her lips and she turned to face the boy who was still fuming with anger. Honestly she didn't know why Donghyuck changed so much. He used to be cruel and push her away, shout and get irritated by her but it's like he was a whole different person.

He seemed to care for her and he is treating her nicely. He even apologised. Something she wasn't expecting him to even do after their argument. She isn't complaining but it just took her by surprise. Maybe he is taking her request to become friends. He even offered to drop her home. She just finished her shift at the convenience store and when she was leaving an unexpected person was outside.

He didn't let her speak and dragged her in the car. "Don't tell Renjun," she muttered. The boy furrowed his brow, shaking his head in disagreement. "You should" he monotoned.

Suyin bit her bottom lip and shook her head vigorously. "I had an argument with him about Sunwoo and . . ." she paused, not talking, making Donghyuck turn to face her. She looked nervous. "I'm waiting," he said impatiently.

"I don't know. I just feel ashamed and guilty for not listening to him" Donghyuck hummed, nodding. "Yeah you're an idiot that's for sure" he stated blandly, making Suyin snap her head towards him and seethe her teeth. "Always causing trouble," he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The girl pouted facing away. "Just tell him" he spoke in a normal tone however there was a hint of strength behind the words making it sound like a command. Sighing she gazed out the window, spotting a store that she seemed to really want to enter especially after what she went through.

Her resentment towards Sunwoo and irritation towards herself did not seem to have died down yet. A warm touch spread on Donghyuck's shoulder making him briefly look towards her direction to see the girl staring at him with no emotion. "What?"

"Buy me donuts. I need them NOW!" she demanded.

He furrowed his eyebrows confused. "What?"

When Suyin walked in she spotted Renjun already inside at the table drinking tea. The girl pursed her lips not sure if she should tell him. Donghyuck was right. Even if she doesn't now she knew that she would have to tell him later anyway.

But she couldn't bring herself to yet therefore she just walked past him catching the Chinese boy's attention. "Are you still mad at me?" he blurted out, making her halt in spot.

"No" she mumbled and turned to face him but Renjun furrowed his brows not hearing what she said. Sighing she bundled up everything she got within her to say two sincere words.

"I'm sorry"

"I told you to stay away now look! I'm gonna fucking kill him when I see that bastard" he gripped the cup harder glaring in space. Suyin stayed quiet, not speaking. "Are you ok though?" he asked, concerned seeing that she didn't seem the same as always.

Suyin raked her eyes at Renjun's prepossessed features. Not wanting to worry the boy any further she placed on a fake smile good enough to fool him "Yep I'm good"

However inside she was depressed and hurt like someone trampled over her, bringing her self-esteem lower. "You're irritated though"

Stunned at how he noticed she tilted her head towards him. In return Renjun pointed at the plastic bag on the table filled with Krispy Kreme donuts. "Oh yeah I felt like I needed them" she muttered under her breathe. "Donghyuck bought it for me" she grinned towards Renjun who placed on an awestruck expression.

"He what?!"

"I think we both are starting to get along better" Renjun groaned and looked up at the sky. "Would never thought this day would come"

Rolling her eyes she walked over to the kitchen pulling out pots and pans. "Minho is coming over tonight for dinner. You should join. It's you favourite. Hot pot with beef"

Renjun's eyes enlarged hearing the meal and he scoffed a duh. "Of course I'll join"

"You said that they will be coming" Renjun complained for the nth time licking his lips at the smell of the mouthwatering dishes in front.

"Last time I checked my phone Zhou said they are 5 minutes away - Oh hear that, they've come" Suyin stood up making way to the front door after hearing the click of it opening.

Renjun patiently waited leaning his chin on his arms that were placed on the table while staring at the side dishes. Footsteps came his way and he instantly made himself sit up straight.

"He's just like you! When you were his age you played games all the time and came home late. It runs in the family" she chuckled. Renjun scoffed and slammed his hand on the surface. "Don't compare me with him!" he talked back boring his eyes on Zhou who followed behind her.

He didn't even need to ask to know what she was talking about. Holding in her laugh she handed out the cutlery. "But seriously, why were you late this time?" She folded her arms wanting a decent reason from Zhou.

"Sorry noona I couldn't find my locker keys so it took longer than expected" Minho rubbed his nape.

Immediately Suyin relaxed her features. "It's ok Minho I'm just glad that you came before it got any darker" hearing her calm answer Zhou let out a fake airy laugh. "Unbelievable, she never speaks to me so kindly. She's a devil to me" he pointed at Suyin while looking at Minho.

The girl gasped offended by his comment and lightly hit his head. "See devil" he rubbed the back of his head where she attacked him. "I ain't no devil. People call me angel" she smiled proudly.

"Angel? Who calls you that?" Renjun scoffed, finding it utterly ridiculous.

Suyin's lips parted, not knowing how to answer. She gulped and shrugged her shoulders. "S-someone" she avoided eye contact.

Renjun furrowed his eyebrows, finding her sudden change of demeanor suspicious. But before he could take the conversation any further the girl clapped her hands "OK let's eat" she picked up some food trying to change the subject. 


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